Class File

Uploaded File


  • Construct File


    • client: Client


    • file: Pick<
              _id: string;
              content_type: string;
              deleted?: null
              | boolean;
              filename: string;
              message_id?: null | string;
                  | { type: "File" }
                  | { type: "Text" }
                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                  | { type: "Audio" };
              object_id?: null | string;
              reported?: null | boolean;
              server_id?: null | string;
              size: number;
              tag: string;
              user_id?: null | string;
          | "tag"
          | "metadata",
      > & Partial<
              _id: string;
              content_type: string;
              deleted?: null
              | boolean;
              filename: string;
              message_id?: null | string;
                  | { type: "File" }
                  | { type: "Text" }
                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                  | { type: "Audio" };
              object_id?: null | string;
              reported?: null | boolean;
              server_id?: null | string;
              size: number;
              tag: string;
              user_id?: null | string;


    Returns File


contentType?: string

Raw content type of this file

filename?: string

Original filename

id: string

File Id

    | { type: "File" }
    | { type: "Text" }
    | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
    | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
    | { type: "Audio" }

Parsed metadata of the file

Type declaration

  • { type: "File" }
  • { type: "Text" }
  • { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
    • height: number

      Format: uint

    • type: "Image"
    • width: number

      Format: uint

  • { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
    • height: number

      Format: uint

    • type: "Video"
    • width: number

      Format: uint

  • { type: "Audio" }
size?: number

Size of the file (in bytes)

tag: string

File bucket


  • get isSpoiler(): boolean

    Whether this file should have a spoiler

    Returns boolean


  • Creates a URL to a given file with given options.


    • OptionalforceAnimation: boolean

      Returns GIF if applicable (for avatars/icons)

    Returns undefined | string

    Generated URL or nothing