API Client





  • Parameters

    • Optional__namedParameters: Partial<Options>

    Returns API.API


  • get auth(): AxiosRequestConfig

    Generate authentication options.

    Returns AxiosRequestConfig

  • get config(): AxiosRequestConfig

    Generate config to pass through to API.

    Returns AxiosRequestConfig


  • Send HTTP DELETE request.

    Type Parameters

    • Path extends
          | "/auth/mfa/totp"
          | `/bots/${string}`
          | `/channels/${string}`
          | "-/channels/{target}"
          | `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}`
          | "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}"
          | `/servers/${string}/roles/${string}`
          | "-/servers/{target}/roles/{role_id}"
          | `/invites/${string}`
          | "-/invites/{target}"
          | `/custom/emoji/${string}`
          | "-/custom/emoji/{emoji_id}"
          | `/users/${string}/friend`
          | "-/users/{target}/friend"
          | `/users/${string}/block`
          | "-/users/{target}/block"
          | "-/bots/{target}"
          | `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}/pin`
          | "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}/pin"
          | `/channels/${string}/messages/bulk`
          | "-/channels/{target}/messages/bulk"
          | `/channels/${string}/recipients/${string}`
          | "-/channels/{target}/recipients/{member}"
          | `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}/reactions/${string}`
          | "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}/reactions/{emoji}"
          | `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}/reactions`
          | "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}/reactions"
          | `/servers/${string}`
          | "-/servers/{target}"
          | `/servers/${string}/members/${string}`
          | "-/servers/{target}/members/{member}"
          | `/servers/${string}/bans/${string}`
          | "-/servers/{server}/bans/{target}"
          | `/auth/session/${string}`
          | "-/auth/session/{id}"
    • Route extends (
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/users/${string}/friend`;
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  avatar?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      content_type: string;
                      deleted?: null
                      | boolean;
                      filename: string;
                      message_id?: null | string;
                          | { type: "File" }
                          | { type: "Text" }
                          | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                          | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                          | { type: "Audio" };
                      object_id?: null | string;
                      reported?: null | boolean;
                      server_id?: null | string;
                      size: number;
                      tag: string;
                      user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/users/{target}/friend";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/users/${string}/block`;
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/users/{target}/block";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: `/bots/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: "-/bots/{target}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: { leave_silently?: null | boolean };
              parts: 2;
              path: `/channels/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: { leave_silently?: null | boolean };
              parts: 2;
              path: "-/channels/{target}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 5;
              path: `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}/pin`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 5;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}/pin";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: { ids: string[] };
              parts: 4;
              path: `/channels/${string}/messages/bulk`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: { ids: string[] };
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/messages/bulk";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: `/channels/${string}/recipients/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/recipients/{member}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: { remove_all?: null | boolean; user_id?: null | string };
              parts: 6;
              path: `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}/reactions/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: { remove_all?: null | boolean; user_id?: null | string };
              parts: 6;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}/reactions/{emoji}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 5;
              path: `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}/reactions`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 5;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}/reactions";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: { leave_silently?: null | boolean };
              parts: 2;
              path: `/servers/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: { leave_silently?: null | boolean };
              parts: 2;
              path: "-/servers/{target}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: `/servers/${string}/members/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/servers/{target}/members/{member}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: `/servers/${string}/bans/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/servers/{server}/bans/{target}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: `/servers/${string}/roles/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/servers/{target}/roles/{role_id}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: `/invites/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: "-/invites/{target}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/custom/emoji/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/custom/emoji/{emoji_id}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: { revoke_self?: null | boolean };
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/session/all";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/auth/session/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/auth/session/{id}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/mfa/totp";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
      ) & { parts: Count<Path, "/">; path: Path }


    • path: Path


    • Optionalparams: any

      Body or Query Parameters

    • Optionalconfig: AxiosRequestConfig<any>

      Axios configuration

    Returns Promise<Route["response"]>

    Typed Response Data

  • Send HTTP DELETE request.

    Type Parameters

    • Path extends
          | "/auth/mfa/totp"
          | `/bots/${string}`
          | `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}`
          | "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}"
          | `/servers/${string}/roles/${string}`
          | "-/servers/{target}/roles/{role_id}"
          | `/invites/${string}`
          | "-/invites/{target}"
          | `/custom/emoji/${string}`
          | "-/custom/emoji/{emoji_id}"
          | `/users/${string}/friend`
          | "-/users/{target}/friend"
          | `/users/${string}/block`
          | "-/users/{target}/block"
          | "-/bots/{target}"
          | `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}/pin`
          | "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}/pin"
          | `/channels/${string}/recipients/${string}`
          | "-/channels/{target}/recipients/{member}"
          | `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}/reactions`
          | "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}/reactions"
          | `/servers/${string}/members/${string}`
          | "-/servers/{target}/members/{member}"
          | `/servers/${string}/bans/${string}`
          | "-/servers/{server}/bans/{target}"
          | `/auth/session/${string}`
          | "-/auth/session/{id}"
    • Route extends (
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/users/${string}/friend`;
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  avatar?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      content_type: string;
                      deleted?: null
                      | boolean;
                      filename: string;
                      message_id?: null | string;
                          | { type: "File" }
                          | { type: "Text" }
                          | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                          | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                          | { type: "Audio" };
                      object_id?: null | string;
                      reported?: null | boolean;
                      server_id?: null | string;
                      size: number;
                      tag: string;
                      user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/users/{target}/friend";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/users/${string}/block`;
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/users/{target}/block";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: `/bots/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: "-/bots/{target}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: { leave_silently?: null | boolean };
              parts: 2;
              path: `/channels/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: { leave_silently?: null | boolean };
              parts: 2;
              path: "-/channels/{target}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 5;
              path: `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}/pin`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 5;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}/pin";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: { ids: string[] };
              parts: 4;
              path: `/channels/${string}/messages/bulk`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: { ids: string[] };
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/messages/bulk";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: `/channels/${string}/recipients/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/recipients/{member}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: { remove_all?: null | boolean; user_id?: null | string };
              parts: 6;
              path: `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}/reactions/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: { remove_all?: null | boolean; user_id?: null | string };
              parts: 6;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}/reactions/{emoji}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 5;
              path: `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}/reactions`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 5;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}/reactions";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: { leave_silently?: null | boolean };
              parts: 2;
              path: `/servers/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: { leave_silently?: null | boolean };
              parts: 2;
              path: "-/servers/{target}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: `/servers/${string}/members/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/servers/{target}/members/{member}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: `/servers/${string}/bans/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/servers/{server}/bans/{target}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: `/servers/${string}/roles/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/servers/{target}/roles/{role_id}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: `/invites/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: "-/invites/{target}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/custom/emoji/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/custom/emoji/{emoji_id}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: { revoke_self?: null | boolean };
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/session/all";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/auth/session/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/auth/session/{id}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "delete";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/mfa/totp";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "delete" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
      ) & { parts: Count<Path, "/">; path: Path }


    • path: Path


    • Optionalparams: any

      Body or Query Parameters

    Returns Promise<Route["response"]>

    Typed Response Data

  • Send HTTP GET request.

    Type Parameters

    • Path extends
          | "/auth/session/all"
          | "/"
          | `/users/${string}`
          | "-/users/{target}"
          | `/users/${string}/flags`
          | "-/users/{target}/flags"
          | `/users/${string}/default_avatar`
          | "-/users/{target}/default_avatar"
          | `/users/${string}/profile`
          | "-/users/{target}/profile"
          | `/users/${string}/dm`
          | "-/users/{target}/dm"
          | `/users/${string}/mutual`
          | "-/users/{target}/mutual"
          | `/bots/${string}/invite`
          | "-/bots/{target}/invite"
          | `/bots/${string}`
          | "-/bots/{bot}"
          | `/channels/${string}`
          | "-/channels/{target}"
          | `/channels/${string}/members`
          | "-/channels/{target}/members"
          | `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}`
          | "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}"
          | `/channels/${string}/webhooks`
          | "-/channels/{channel_id}/webhooks"
          | `/servers/${string}/bans`
          | "-/servers/{target}/bans"
          | `/servers/${string}/invites`
          | "-/servers/{target}/invites"
          | `/servers/${string}/roles/${string}`
          | "-/servers/{target}/roles/{role_id}"
          | `/servers/${string}/emojis`
          | "-/servers/{target}/emojis"
          | `/invites/${string}`
          | "-/invites/{target}"
          | `/custom/emoji/${string}`
          | "-/custom/emoji/{emoji_id}"
          | "/auth/account/"
          | "/auth/mfa/"
          | "/auth/mfa/methods"
          | "/onboard/hello"
          | "/sync/unreads"
          | `/channels/${string}/messages`
          | "-/channels/{target}/messages"
          | `/servers/${string}`
          | "-/servers/{target}"
          | `/servers/${string}/members`
          | "-/servers/{target}/members"
          | `/servers/${string}/members/${string}`
          | "-/servers/{target}/members/{member}"
          | `/servers/${string}/members_experimental_query`
          | "-/servers/{target}/members_experimental_query"
    • Route extends (
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 1;
              path: "/";
              response: {
                  app: string;
                  build: {
                      commit_sha: string;
                      commit_timestamp: string;
                      origin_url: string;
                      semver: string;
                      timestamp: string;
                  features: {
                      autumn: { enabled: boolean; url: string };
                      captcha: { enabled: boolean; key: string };
                      email: boolean;
                      invite_only: boolean;
                      january: { enabled: boolean; url: string };
                      voso: { enabled: boolean; url: string; ws: string };
                  revolt: string;
                  vapid: string;
                  ws: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: "/users/@me";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: `/users/${string}`;
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
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                          server_id?: null | string;
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                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
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                  online: boolean;
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                  | "BlockedOther";
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                      | "Invisible";
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          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: "-/users/{target}";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
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                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
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                  online: boolean;
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                  | {
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          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/users/${string}/flags`;
              response: { flags: number };
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/users/{target}/flags";
              response: { flags: number };
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
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              response: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/users/{target}/default_avatar";
              response: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/users/${string}/profile`;
              response: {
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
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                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
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                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  content?: null
                  | string;
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          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/users/{target}/profile";
              response: {
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
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                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  content?: null
                  | string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: "/users/dms";
              response: (
                  | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      active: boolean;
                      channel_type: "DirectMessage";
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                      recipients: string[];
                  | {
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                      | string;
                          | null
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                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { type: ... }
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                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
                              object_id?: null | string;
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                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
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                              user_id?: null | string;
                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
                      name: string;
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                  | {
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                          | null
                          | {
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                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { type: ... }
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                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
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                      | string;
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                  | {
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                          | null
                          | {
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                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
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                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      name: string;
                      nsfw?: boolean;
                      role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
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          | {
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              params: undefined;
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                  | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      active: boolean;
                      channel_type: "DirectMessage";
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                      recipients: string[];
                  | {
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                      | string;
                          | null
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                              size: number;
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                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
                      name: string;
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                          | null
                          | {
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                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
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                  | {
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                          | null
                          | {
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          | {
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                  | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      active: boolean;
                      channel_type: "DirectMessage";
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                  | {
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                      | string;
                          | null
                          | {
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                              size: number;
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                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
                      name: string;
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                      recipients: string[];
                  | {
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                          | null
                          | {
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                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
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                          | null
                          | {
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                              size: number;
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                      name: string;
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          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/users/${string}/mutual`;
              response: { servers: string[]; users: string[] };
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/users/{target}/mutual";
              response: { servers: string[]; users: string[] };
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
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              parts: 3;
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              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  avatar?: string;
                  description?: string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/bots/{target}/invite";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  avatar?: string;
                  description?: string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: `/bots/${string}`;
              response: {
                  bot: {
                      _id: string;
                      analytics?: boolean;
                      discoverable?: boolean;
                      flags?: number;
                      interactions_url?: string;
                      owner: string;
                      privacy_policy_url?: string;
                      public: boolean;
                      terms_of_service_url?: string;
                      token: string;
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                      _id: string;
                      avatar?: | null
                      | {
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                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
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                      bot?: null
                      | { owner: string };
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                              | "Incoming"
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                      | "BlockedOther";
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                          | "Idle"
                          | "Focus"
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          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: "-/bots/{bot}";
              response: {
                  bot: {
                      _id: string;
                      analytics?: boolean;
                      discoverable?: boolean;
                      flags?: number;
                      interactions_url?: string;
                      owner: string;
                      privacy_policy_url?: string;
                      public: boolean;
                      terms_of_service_url?: string;
                      token: string;
                  user: {
                      _id: string;
                      avatar?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
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                          | boolean;
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                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
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                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                      badges?: number;
                      bot?: null
                      | { owner: string };
                      discriminator: string;
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                      flags?: number;
                      online: boolean;
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                      | "BlockedOther";
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                      | {
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                          | "Online"
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                          | "Focus"
                          | "Busy"
                          | "Invisible";
                          text?: null | string;
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          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: "/bots/@me";
              response: {
                  bots: {
                      _id: string;
                      analytics?: boolean;
                      discoverable?: boolean;
                      flags?: number;
                      interactions_url?: string;
                      owner: string;
                      privacy_policy_url?: string;
                      public: boolean;
                      terms_of_service_url?: string;
                      token: string;
                  users: {
                      _id: string;
                      avatar?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: ... }
                              | { type: ... }
                              | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                              | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                              | { type: ... };
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                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                      badges?: number;
                      bot?: null
                      | { owner: string };
                      discriminator: string;
                      display_name?: null | string;
                      flags?: number;
                      online: boolean;
                      privileged?: boolean;
                      relations?: {
                          _id: string;
                          status: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                      relationship: | "User"
                      | "None"
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                      | "Outgoing"
                      | "Incoming"
                      | "Blocked"
                      | "BlockedOther";
                      status?: | null
                      | {
                          presence?: null
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                          | "Idle"
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                          | "Busy"
                          | "Invisible";
                          text?: null | string;
                      username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
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                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      active: boolean;
                      channel_type: "DirectMessage";
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                      recipients: string[];
                  | {
                      _id: string;
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                      | string;
                          | null
                          | {
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                              | boolean;
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                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
                      name: string;
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                  | {
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                          | null
                          | {
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                              size: number;
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                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
                      name: string;
                      nsfw?: boolean;
                      role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
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                  | {
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                          | null
                          | {
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                              | boolean;
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                      name: string;
                      nsfw?: boolean;
                      role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
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          | {
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              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: "-/channels/{target}";
                  | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      active: boolean;
                      channel_type: "DirectMessage";
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                      recipients: string[];
                  | {
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                      | string;
                          | null
                          | {
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                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
                      name: string;
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                      recipients: string[];
                  | {
                      _id: string;
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                      | { a: number; d: number };
                      description?: null | string;
                          | null
                          | {
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                              content_type: string;
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                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
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                          | null
                          | {
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                              | boolean;
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          | never
          | never
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          | never
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                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
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                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
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                          | "User"
                          | "None"
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                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
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                  | "BlockedOther";
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                  | {
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                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
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          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/members";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
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                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
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                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
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                  online: boolean;
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                          | "BlockedOther";
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                  | "None"
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                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
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                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
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                  username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: {
                  after?: null | string;
                  before?: null | string;
                  include_users?: null | boolean;
                  limit?: null | number;
                  nearby?: null | string;
                  sort?: null | "Relevance" | "Latest" | "Oldest";
              parts: 3;
              path: `/channels/${string}/messages`;
              response: | {
                  _id: string;
                  attachments?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      content_type: string;
                      deleted?: (...)
                      | (...)
                      | (...)
                      | (...);
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                      metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                      object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                      server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      size: number;
                      tag: string;
                      user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                  author: string;
                  channel: string;
                  content?: null
                  | string;
                  edited?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | (
                          | {
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                              icon_url?: ...;
                              image?: ...;
                              original_url?: ...;
                              site_name?: ...;
                              special?: ...;
                              title?: ...;
                              type: ...;
                              url?: ...;
                              video?: ...;
                          | { height: ...; size: ...; type: ...; url: ...; width: ... }
                          | { height: ...; type: ...; url: ...; width: ... }
                          | {
                              colour?: ...;
                              description?: ...;
                              icon_url?: ...;
                              media?: ...;
                              title?: ...;
                              type: ...;
                              url?: ...;
                          | { type: ... }
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                      reactions?: null | (...)[];
                      restrict_reactions?: boolean;
                  masquerade?: | null
                  | {
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                      | string;
                      colour?: null | string;
                      name?: null | string;
                  member?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: ...;
                              content_type: ...;
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                              object_id?: ...;
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                              user_id?: ...;
                      joined_at: string;
                      nickname?: null
                      | string;
                      roles?: (...)[];
                      timeout?: null | string;
                  mentions?: null
                  | string[];
                  nonce?: null | string;
                  pinned?: null | boolean;
                  reactions?: { [key: string]: string[] };
                  replies?: null | string[];
                      | null
                      | { content: string; type: "text" }
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                      | { id: string; type: "user_left" }
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                      | { by: string; type: "channel_description_changed" }
                      | { by: string; type: "channel_icon_changed" }
                      | { from: string; to: string; type: "channel_ownership_changed" }
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                      | null
                      | {
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                          | {
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                              tag: ...;
                              user_id?: ...;
                          badges?: number;
                          bot?: null
                          | { owner: ... };
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                          | { presence?: ...; text?: ... };
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                  webhook?: null
                  | { avatar?: null | string; name: string };
              | {
                  members?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                          | null
                          | {
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                              server_id?: ...;
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                              user_id?: ...;
                      joined_at: string;
                      nickname?: null
                      | string;
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                      | {
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                          user_id?: ...;
                      author: string;
                      channel: string;
                      content?: null
                      | string;
                      edited?: null | string;
                      embeds?: null | ((...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...))[];
                      flags?: number;
                      interactions?: {
                          reactions?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          restrict_reactions?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      masquerade?: | null
                      | {
                          avatar?: (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...);
                          colour?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      member?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: { server: ...; user: ... };
                          avatar?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          joined_at: string;
                          nickname?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          roles?: (...) | (...);
                          timeout?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      mentions?: null
                      | string[];
                      nonce?: null | string;
                      pinned?: null | boolean;
                      reactions?: { [key: string]: (...)[] };
                      replies?: null | string[];
                          | null
                          | { content: string; type: "text" }
                          | { by: string; id: string; type: "user_added" }
                          | { by: string; id: string; type: "user_remove" }
                          | { id: string; type: "user_joined" }
                          | { id: string; type: "user_left" }
                          | { id: string; type: "user_kicked" }
                          | { id: string; type: "user_banned" }
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                          | { by: string; type: "channel_description_changed" }
                          | { by: string; type: "channel_icon_changed" }
                          | { from: string; to: string; type: "channel_ownership_changed" }
                          | { by: string; id: string; type: "message_pinned" }
                          | { by: string; id: string; type: "message_unpinned" };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              avatar?: (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...);
                              badges?: (...) | (...);
                              bot?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              discriminator: string;
                              display_name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              flags?: (...) | (...);
                              online: boolean;
                              privileged?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              relations?: (...) | (...);
                              relationship: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                              status?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              username: string;
                      webhook?: null
                      | { avatar?: (...) | (...) | (...); name: string };
                  users: {
                      _id: string;
                      avatar?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...);
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                          object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                          server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      badges?: number;
                      bot?: null
                      | { owner: string };
                      discriminator: string;
                      display_name?: null | string;
                      flags?: number;
                      online: boolean;
                      privileged?: boolean;
                      relations?: { _id: ...; status: ... }[];
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                      status?: | null
                      | {
                          presence?: (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...);
                          text?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: {
                  after?: null | string;
                  before?: null | string;
                  include_users?: null | boolean;
                  limit?: null | number;
                  nearby?: null | string;
                  sort?: null | "Relevance" | "Latest" | "Oldest";
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/messages";
              response: | {
                  _id: string;
                  attachments?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      content_type: string;
                      deleted?: (...)
                      | (...)
                      | (...)
                      | (...);
                      filename: string;
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                      metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                      object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                      server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      size: number;
                      tag: string;
                      user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                  author: string;
                  channel: string;
                  content?: null
                  | string;
                  edited?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | (
                          | {
                              colour?: ...;
                              description?: ...;
                              icon_url?: ...;
                              image?: ...;
                              original_url?: ...;
                              site_name?: ...;
                              special?: ...;
                              title?: ...;
                              type: ...;
                              url?: ...;
                              video?: ...;
                          | { height: ...; size: ...; type: ...; url: ...; width: ... }
                          | { height: ...; type: ...; url: ...; width: ... }
                          | {
                              colour?: ...;
                              description?: ...;
                              icon_url?: ...;
                              media?: ...;
                              title?: ...;
                              type: ...;
                              url?: ...;
                          | { type: ... }
                  flags?: number;
                  interactions?: {
                      reactions?: null | (...)[];
                      restrict_reactions?: boolean;
                  masquerade?: | null
                  | {
                      avatar?: null
                      | string;
                      colour?: null | string;
                      name?: null | string;
                  member?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: ...;
                              content_type: ...;
                              deleted?: ...;
                              filename: ...;
                              message_id?: ...;
                              metadata: ...;
                              object_id?: ...;
                              reported?: ...;
                              server_id?: ...;
                              size: ...;
                              tag: ...;
                              user_id?: ...;
                      joined_at: string;
                      nickname?: null
                      | string;
                      roles?: (...)[];
                      timeout?: null | string;
                  mentions?: null
                  | string[];
                  nonce?: null | string;
                  pinned?: null | boolean;
                  reactions?: { [key: string]: string[] };
                  replies?: null | string[];
                      | null
                      | { content: string; type: "text" }
                      | { by: string; id: string; type: "user_added" }
                      | { by: string; id: string; type: "user_remove" }
                      | { id: string; type: "user_joined" }
                      | { id: string; type: "user_left" }
                      | { id: string; type: "user_kicked" }
                      | { id: string; type: "user_banned" }
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                      | { by: string; type: "channel_description_changed" }
                      | { by: string; type: "channel_icon_changed" }
                      | { from: string; to: string; type: "channel_ownership_changed" }
                      | { by: string; id: string; type: "message_pinned" }
                      | { by: string; id: string; type: "message_unpinned" };
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          avatar?: | null
                          | {
                              _id: ...;
                              content_type: ...;
                              deleted?: ...;
                              filename: ...;
                              message_id?: ...;
                              metadata: ...;
                              object_id?: ...;
                              reported?: ...;
                              server_id?: ...;
                              size: ...;
                              tag: ...;
                              user_id?: ...;
                          badges?: number;
                          bot?: null
                          | { owner: ... };
                          discriminator: string;
                          display_name?: null | string;
                          flags?: number;
                          online: boolean;
                          privileged?: boolean;
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                              | "User"
                              | "None"
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                              | "Outgoing"
                              | "Incoming"
                              | "Blocked"
                              | "BlockedOther";
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                          | { presence?: ...; text?: ... };
                          username: string;
                  webhook?: null
                  | { avatar?: null | string; name: string };
              | {
                  members?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: ...;
                              content_type: ...;
                              deleted?: ...;
                              filename: ...;
                              message_id?: ...;
                              metadata: ...;
                              object_id?: ...;
                              reported?: ...;
                              server_id?: ...;
                              size: ...;
                              tag: ...;
                              user_id?: ...;
                      joined_at: string;
                      nickname?: null
                      | string;
                      roles?: (...)[];
                      timeout?: null | string;
                  messages: {
                      _id: string;
                      attachments?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: ...;
                          content_type: ...;
                          deleted?: ...;
                          filename: ...;
                          message_id?: ...;
                          metadata: ...;
                          object_id?: ...;
                          reported?: ...;
                          server_id?: ...;
                          size: ...;
                          tag: ...;
                          user_id?: ...;
                      author: string;
                      channel: string;
                      content?: null
                      | string;
                      edited?: null | string;
                      embeds?: null | ((...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...))[];
                      flags?: number;
                      interactions?: {
                          reactions?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          restrict_reactions?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      masquerade?: | null
                      | {
                          avatar?: (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...);
                          colour?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      member?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: { server: ...; user: ... };
                          avatar?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          joined_at: string;
                          nickname?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          roles?: (...) | (...);
                          timeout?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      mentions?: null
                      | string[];
                      nonce?: null | string;
                      pinned?: null | boolean;
                      reactions?: { [key: string]: (...)[] };
                      replies?: null | string[];
                          | null
                          | { content: string; type: "text" }
                          | { by: string; id: string; type: "user_added" }
                          | { by: string; id: string; type: "user_remove" }
                          | { id: string; type: "user_joined" }
                          | { id: string; type: "user_left" }
                          | { id: string; type: "user_kicked" }
                          | { id: string; type: "user_banned" }
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                          | { by: string; type: "channel_description_changed" }
                          | { by: string; type: "channel_icon_changed" }
                          | { from: string; to: string; type: "channel_ownership_changed" }
                          | { by: string; id: string; type: "message_pinned" }
                          | { by: string; id: string; type: "message_unpinned" };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              avatar?: (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...);
                              badges?: (...) | (...);
                              bot?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              discriminator: string;
                              display_name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              flags?: (...) | (...);
                              online: boolean;
                              privileged?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              relations?: (...) | (...);
                              relationship: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                              status?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              username: string;
                      webhook?: null
                      | { avatar?: (...) | (...) | (...); name: string };
                  users: {
                      _id: string;
                      avatar?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...);
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                          object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                          server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      badges?: number;
                      bot?: null
                      | { owner: string };
                      discriminator: string;
                      display_name?: null | string;
                      flags?: number;
                      online: boolean;
                      privileged?: boolean;
                      relations?: { _id: ...; status: ... }[];
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                      status?: | null
                      | {
                          presence?: (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...);
                          text?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}`;
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
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                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  author: string;
                  channel: string;
                  content?: null
                  | string;
                  edited?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | (
                          | {
                              colour?: null
                              | string;
                              description?: null | string;
                              icon_url?: null | string;
                              image?: null | { height: ...; size: ...; url: ...; width: ... };
                              original_url?: null | string;
                              site_name?: null | string;
                                  | null
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { id: ...; timestamp?: ...; type: ... }
                                  | { content_type: ...; id: ...; type: ... }
                                  | { content_type: ...; id: ...; type: ... }
                                  | { content_type: ...; id: ...; type: ... }
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { content_type: ...; id: ...; type: ... }
                                  | { album_id: ...; track_id?: ...; type: ... }
                                  | { id: ...; type: ... };
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                              type: "Website";
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                              | "Preview";
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                              description?: null | string;
                              icon_url?: null | string;
                                  | null
                                  | {
                                      _id: ...;
                                      content_type: ...;
                                      deleted?: ...;
                                      filename: ...;
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                                      object_id?: ...;
                                      reported?: ...;
                                      server_id?: ...;
                                      size: ...;
                                      tag: ...;
                                      user_id?: ...;
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                              | string;
                              type: "Text";
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                          | { type: "None" }
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                  interactions?: {
                      reactions?: null | string[];
                      restrict_reactions?: boolean;
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                  | {
                      avatar?: null
                      | string;
                      colour?: null | string;
                      name?: null | string;
                  member?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
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                              user_id?: null | string;
                      joined_at: string;
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                      | string;
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                      timeout?: null | string;
                  mentions?: null
                  | string[];
                  nonce?: null | string;
                  pinned?: null | boolean;
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                  replies?: null | string[];
                      | null
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                      | { id: string; type: "user_left" }
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                      | { id: string; type: "user_banned" }
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                      | { by: string; type: "channel_description_changed" }
                      | { by: string; type: "channel_icon_changed" }
                      | { from: string; to: string; type: "channel_ownership_changed" }
                      | { by: string; id: string; type: "message_pinned" }
                      | { by: string; id: string; type: "message_unpinned" };
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          avatar?: | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                          badges?: number;
                          bot?: null
                          | { owner: string };
                          discriminator: string;
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                          flags?: number;
                          online: boolean;
                          privileged?: boolean;
                          relations?: {
                              _id: string;
                              status: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                          relationship: | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
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                          | {
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                              | string;
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                  | { avatar?: null | string; name: string };
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                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
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                          user_id?: null | string;
                  author: string;
                  channel: string;
                  content?: null
                  | string;
                  edited?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | (
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                              | string;
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                                  | { content_type: ...; id: ...; type: ... }
                                  | { content_type: ...; id: ...; type: ... }
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                                  | { content_type: ...; id: ...; type: ... }
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                                  | { id: ...; type: ... };
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                          | { type: "None" }
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                  interactions?: {
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                      restrict_reactions?: boolean;
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                  | {
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                      | string;
                      colour?: null | string;
                      name?: null | string;
                  member?: | null
                  | {
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                          | null
                          | {
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                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
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                      | string;
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                  | string[];
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                      | null
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                      | null
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                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
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                          | "BlockedOther";
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                          | {
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                              | "Online"
                              | "Idle"
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                              | "Busy"
                              | "Invisible";
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                              | string;
                          username: string;
                  webhook?: null
                  | { avatar?: null | string; name: string };
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
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                      | null
                      | {
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                          | boolean;
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                  creator_id: string;
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                  | string;
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          | {
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                      | null
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                          | boolean;
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                  | string;
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                  | {
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                      | {
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                              | string;
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                  | {
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                              | string;
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                          | null
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                              | string;
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                      | {
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                          | string;
                          user_joined?: null | string;
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                          | null
                          | {
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                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
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                      joined_at: string;
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                      | string;
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                          | boolean;
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                              | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                              | { type: ... };
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                      bot?: null
                      | { owner: string };
                      discriminator: string;
                      display_name?: null | string;
                      flags?: number;
                      online: boolean;
                      privileged?: boolean;
                      relations?: {
                          _id: string;
                          status: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                      relationship: | "User"
                      | "None"
                      | "Friend"
                      | "Outgoing"
                      | "Incoming"
                      | "Blocked"
                      | "BlockedOther";
                      status?: | null
                      | {
                          presence?: null
                          | "Online"
                          | "Idle"
                          | "Focus"
                          | "Busy"
                          | "Invisible";
                          text?: null | string;
                      username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: { exclude_offline?: null | boolean };
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/servers/{target}/members";
              response: {
                  members: {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      joined_at: string;
                      nickname?: null
                      | string;
                      roles?: string[];
                      timeout?: null | string;
                  users: {
                      _id: string;
                      avatar?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: ... }
                              | { type: ... }
                              | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                              | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                              | { type: ... };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                      badges?: number;
                      bot?: null
                      | { owner: string };
                      discriminator: string;
                      display_name?: null | string;
                      flags?: number;
                      online: boolean;
                      privileged?: boolean;
                      relations?: {
                          _id: string;
                          status: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                      relationship: | "User"
                      | "None"
                      | "Friend"
                      | "Outgoing"
                      | "Incoming"
                      | "Blocked"
                      | "BlockedOther";
                      status?: | null
                      | {
                          presence?: null
                          | "Online"
                          | "Idle"
                          | "Focus"
                          | "Busy"
                          | "Invisible";
                          text?: null | string;
                      username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: { roles?: null | boolean };
              parts: 4;
              path: `/servers/${string}/members/${string}`;
                  | {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: "File" }
                                  | { type: "Text" }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      joined_at: string;
                      nickname?: null
                      | string;
                      roles?: string[];
                      timeout?: null | string;
                  | {
                      member: {
                          _id: { server: string; user: string };
                              | null
                              | {
                                  _id: string;
                                  content_type: string;
                                  deleted?: null
                                  | boolean;
                                  filename: string;
                                  message_id?: null | string;
                                      | { type: ... }
                                      | { type: ... }
                                      | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                      | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                      | { type: ... };
                                  object_id?: null | string;
                                  reported?: null | boolean;
                                  server_id?: null | string;
                                  size: number;
                                  tag: string;
                                  user_id?: null | string;
                          joined_at: string;
                          nickname?: null
                          | string;
                          roles?: string[];
                          timeout?: null | string;
                      roles: {
                          [key: string]: {
                              colour?: null
                              | string;
                              hoist?: boolean;
                              name: string;
                              permissions: { a: number; d: number };
                              rank?: number;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: { roles?: null | boolean };
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/servers/{target}/members/{member}";
                  | {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: "File" }
                                  | { type: "Text" }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      joined_at: string;
                      nickname?: null
                      | string;
                      roles?: string[];
                      timeout?: null | string;
                  | {
                      member: {
                          _id: { server: string; user: string };
                              | null
                              | {
                                  _id: string;
                                  content_type: string;
                                  deleted?: null
                                  | boolean;
                                  filename: string;
                                  message_id?: null | string;
                                      | { type: ... }
                                      | { type: ... }
                                      | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                      | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                      | { type: ... };
                                  object_id?: null | string;
                                  reported?: null | boolean;
                                  server_id?: null | string;
                                  size: number;
                                  tag: string;
                                  user_id?: null | string;
                          joined_at: string;
                          nickname?: null
                          | string;
                          roles?: string[];
                          timeout?: null | string;
                      roles: {
                          [key: string]: {
                              colour?: null
                              | string;
                              hoist?: boolean;
                              name: string;
                              permissions: { a: number; d: number };
                              rank?: number;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: { experimental_api: boolean; query: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: `/servers/${string}/members_experimental_query`;
              response: {
                  members: {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      joined_at: string;
                      nickname?: null
                      | string;
                      roles?: string[];
                      timeout?: null | string;
                  users: {
                      _id: string;
                      avatar?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: ... }
                              | { type: ... }
                              | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                              | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                              | { type: ... };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                      badges?: number;
                      bot?: null
                      | { owner: string };
                      discriminator: string;
                      display_name?: null | string;
                      flags?: number;
                      online: boolean;
                      privileged?: boolean;
                      relations?: {
                          _id: string;
                          status: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                      relationship: | "User"
                      | "None"
                      | "Friend"
                      | "Outgoing"
                      | "Incoming"
                      | "Blocked"
                      | "BlockedOther";
                      status?: | null
                      | {
                          presence?: null
                          | "Online"
                          | "Idle"
                          | "Focus"
                          | "Busy"
                          | "Invisible";
                          text?: null | string;
                      username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: { experimental_api: boolean; query: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/servers/{target}/members_experimental_query";
              response: {
                  members: {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      joined_at: string;
                      nickname?: null
                      | string;
                      roles?: string[];
                      timeout?: null | string;
                  users: {
                      _id: string;
                      avatar?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: ... }
                              | { type: ... }
                              | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                              | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                              | { type: ... };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                      badges?: number;
                      bot?: null
                      | { owner: string };
                      discriminator: string;
                      display_name?: null | string;
                      flags?: number;
                      online: boolean;
                      privileged?: boolean;
                      relations?: {
                          _id: string;
                          status: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                      relationship: | "User"
                      | "None"
                      | "Friend"
                      | "Outgoing"
                      | "Incoming"
                      | "Blocked"
                      | "BlockedOther";
                      status?: | null
                      | {
                          presence?: null
                          | "Online"
                          | "Idle"
                          | "Focus"
                          | "Busy"
                          | "Invisible";
                          text?: null | string;
                      username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/servers/${string}/bans`;
              response: {
                  bans: {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                      reason?: null | string;
                  users: {
                      _id: string;
                      avatar?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: ... }
                              | { type: ... }
                              | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                              | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                              | { type: ... };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                      discriminator: string;
                      username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/servers/{target}/bans";
              response: {
                  bans: {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                      reason?: null | string;
                  users: {
                      _id: string;
                      avatar?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: ... }
                              | { type: ... }
                              | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                              | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                              | { type: ... };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                      discriminator: string;
                      username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/servers/${string}/invites`;
              response: (
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      channel: string;
                      creator: string;
                      server: string;
                      type: "Server";
                  | { _id: string; channel: string; creator: string; type: "Group" }
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/servers/{target}/invites";
              response: (
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      channel: string;
                      creator: string;
                      server: string;
                      type: "Server";
                  | { _id: string; channel: string; creator: string; type: "Group" }
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: `/servers/${string}/roles/${string}`;
              response: {
                  colour?: null | string;
                  hoist?: boolean;
                  name: string;
                  permissions: { a: number; d: number };
                  rank?: number;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/servers/{target}/roles/{role_id}";
              response: {
                  colour?: null | string;
                  hoist?: boolean;
                  name: string;
                  permissions: { a: number; d: number };
                  rank?: number;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/servers/${string}/emojis`;
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  animated?: boolean;
                  creator_id: string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  parent: { id: string; type: "Server" } | { type: "Detached" };
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/servers/{target}/emojis";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  animated?: boolean;
                  creator_id: string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  parent: { id: string; type: "Server" } | { type: "Detached" };
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: `/invites/${string}`;
                  | {
                      channel_description?: null
                      | string;
                      channel_id: string;
                      channel_name: string;
                      code: string;
                      member_count: number;
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: "File" }
                                  | { type: "Text" }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      server_flags?: null
                      | number;
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: "File" }
                                  | { type: "Text" }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      server_id: string;
                      server_name: string;
                      type: "Server";
                      user_avatar?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
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                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                      user_name: string;
                  | {
                      channel_description?: null
                      | string;
                      channel_id: string;
                      channel_name: string;
                      code: string;
                      type: "Group";
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: "File" }
                                  | { type: "Text" }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      user_name: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: "-/invites/{target}";
                  | {
                      channel_description?: null
                      | string;
                      channel_id: string;
                      channel_name: string;
                      code: string;
                      member_count: number;
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: "File" }
                                  | { type: "Text" }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      server_flags?: null
                      | number;
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: "File" }
                                  | { type: "Text" }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      server_id: string;
                      server_name: string;
                      type: "Server";
                      user_avatar?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                      user_name: string;
                  | {
                      channel_description?: null
                      | string;
                      channel_id: string;
                      channel_name: string;
                      code: string;
                      type: "Group";
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: "File" }
                                  | { type: "Text" }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      user_name: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/custom/emoji/${string}`;
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  animated?: boolean;
                  creator_id: string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  parent: { id: string; type: "Server" } | { type: "Detached" };
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/custom/emoji/{emoji_id}";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  animated?: boolean;
                  creator_id: string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  parent: { id: string; type: "Server" } | { type: "Detached" };
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/account/";
              response: { _id: string; email: string };
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/session/all";
              response: { _id: string; name: string }[];
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/mfa/";
              response: {
                  email_mfa: boolean;
                  email_otp: boolean;
                  recovery_active: boolean;
                  security_key_mfa: boolean;
                  totp_mfa: boolean;
                  trusted_handover: boolean;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/mfa/methods";
              response: ("Password" | "Recovery" | "Totp")[];
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: "/onboard/hello";
              response: { onboarding: boolean };
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: "/sync/unreads";
              response: {
                  _id: { channel: string; user: string };
                  last_id?: null | string;
                  mentions?: string[];
          } & { method: "get" }
      ) & { parts: Count<Path, "/">; path: Path }


    • path: Path


    • params: Route["params"]

      Body or Query Parameters

    • Optionalconfig: AxiosRequestConfig<any>

      Axios configuration

    Returns Promise<Route["response"]>

    Typed Response Data

  • Send HTTP GET request.

    Type Parameters

    • Path extends
          | "/auth/session/all"
          | "/"
          | `/users/${string}`
          | "-/users/{target}"
          | `/users/${string}/flags`
          | "-/users/{target}/flags"
          | `/users/${string}/default_avatar`
          | "-/users/{target}/default_avatar"
          | `/users/${string}/profile`
          | "-/users/{target}/profile"
          | `/users/${string}/dm`
          | "-/users/{target}/dm"
          | `/users/${string}/mutual`
          | "-/users/{target}/mutual"
          | `/bots/${string}/invite`
          | "-/bots/{target}/invite"
          | `/bots/${string}`
          | "-/bots/{bot}"
          | `/channels/${string}`
          | "-/channels/{target}"
          | `/channels/${string}/members`
          | "-/channels/{target}/members"
          | `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}`
          | "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}"
          | `/channels/${string}/webhooks`
          | "-/channels/{channel_id}/webhooks"
          | `/servers/${string}/bans`
          | "-/servers/{target}/bans"
          | `/servers/${string}/invites`
          | "-/servers/{target}/invites"
          | `/servers/${string}/roles/${string}`
          | "-/servers/{target}/roles/{role_id}"
          | `/servers/${string}/emojis`
          | "-/servers/{target}/emojis"
          | `/invites/${string}`
          | "-/invites/{target}"
          | `/custom/emoji/${string}`
          | "-/custom/emoji/{emoji_id}"
          | "/auth/account/"
          | "/auth/mfa/"
          | "/auth/mfa/methods"
          | "/onboard/hello"
          | "/sync/unreads"
    • Route extends (
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 1;
              path: "/";
              response: {
                  app: string;
                  build: {
                      commit_sha: string;
                      commit_timestamp: string;
                      origin_url: string;
                      semver: string;
                      timestamp: string;
                  features: {
                      autumn: { enabled: boolean; url: string };
                      captcha: { enabled: boolean; key: string };
                      email: boolean;
                      invite_only: boolean;
                      january: { enabled: boolean; url: string };
                      voso: { enabled: boolean; url: string; ws: string };
                  revolt: string;
                  vapid: string;
                  ws: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: "/users/@me";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: `/users/${string}`;
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: "-/users/{target}";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/users/${string}/flags`;
              response: { flags: number };
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/users/{target}/flags";
              response: { flags: number };
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/users/${string}/default_avatar`;
              response: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/users/{target}/default_avatar";
              response: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/users/${string}/profile`;
              response: {
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  content?: null
                  | string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/users/{target}/profile";
              response: {
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  content?: null
                  | string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: "/users/dms";
              response: (
                  | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      active: boolean;
                      channel_type: "DirectMessage";
                      last_message_id?: null | string;
                      recipients: string[];
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      channel_type: "Group";
                      description?: null
                      | string;
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
                      name: string;
                      nsfw?: boolean;
                      owner: string;
                      permissions?: null | number;
                      recipients: string[];
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      channel_type: "TextChannel";
                      default_permissions?: null
                      | { a: number; d: number };
                      description?: null | string;
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
                      name: string;
                      nsfw?: boolean;
                      role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
                      server: string;
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      channel_type: "VoiceChannel";
                      default_permissions?: null
                      | { a: number; d: number };
                      description?: null | string;
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      name: string;
                      nsfw?: boolean;
                      role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
                      server: string;
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          | {
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              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
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                  | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      active: boolean;
                      channel_type: "DirectMessage";
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                      recipients: string[];
                  | {
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                      | string;
                          | null
                          | {
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                              | boolean;
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                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
                      name: string;
                      nsfw?: boolean;
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                          | null
                          | {
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                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
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                  | {
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                          | null
                          | {
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                      name: string;
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          | {
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                  | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      active: boolean;
                      channel_type: "DirectMessage";
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                  | {
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                      | string;
                          | null
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                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
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                      nsfw?: boolean;
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                          | null
                          | {
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                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
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                          | null
                          | {
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                      name: string;
                      nsfw?: boolean;
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          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/users/${string}/mutual`;
              response: { servers: string[]; users: string[] };
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/users/{target}/mutual";
              response: { servers: string[]; users: string[] };
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
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                  _id: string;
                  avatar?: string;
                  description?: string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
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              parts: 3;
              path: "-/bots/{target}/invite";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  avatar?: string;
                  description?: string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
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          | {
              method: "get";
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              parts: 2;
              path: `/bots/${string}`;
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                  bot: {
                      _id: string;
                      analytics?: boolean;
                      discoverable?: boolean;
                      flags?: number;
                      interactions_url?: string;
                      owner: string;
                      privacy_policy_url?: string;
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                      token: string;
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                      _id: string;
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                      | {
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                      | { owner: string };
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          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: "-/bots/{bot}";
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                  bot: {
                      _id: string;
                      analytics?: boolean;
                      discoverable?: boolean;
                      flags?: number;
                      interactions_url?: string;
                      owner: string;
                      privacy_policy_url?: string;
                      public: boolean;
                      terms_of_service_url?: string;
                      token: string;
                  user: {
                      _id: string;
                      avatar?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
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                          | boolean;
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                      | {
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                          | "Online"
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                          | "Invisible";
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                      username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
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              path: "/bots/@me";
              response: {
                  bots: {
                      _id: string;
                      analytics?: boolean;
                      discoverable?: boolean;
                      flags?: number;
                      interactions_url?: string;
                      owner: string;
                      privacy_policy_url?: string;
                      public: boolean;
                      terms_of_service_url?: string;
                      token: string;
                  users: {
                      _id: string;
                      avatar?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: ... }
                              | { type: ... }
                              | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                              | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                              | { type: ... };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                      badges?: number;
                      bot?: null
                      | { owner: string };
                      discriminator: string;
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                      privileged?: boolean;
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                          _id: string;
                          status: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                      relationship: | "User"
                      | "None"
                      | "Friend"
                      | "Outgoing"
                      | "Incoming"
                      | "Blocked"
                      | "BlockedOther";
                      status?: | null
                      | {
                          presence?: null
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                          | "Idle"
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                          | "Busy"
                          | "Invisible";
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                      username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
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                  | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      active: boolean;
                      channel_type: "DirectMessage";
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                      recipients: string[];
                  | {
                      _id: string;
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                      | string;
                          | null
                          | {
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                              | boolean;
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                              size: number;
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                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
                      name: string;
                      nsfw?: boolean;
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                  | {
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                          | null
                          | {
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                              size: number;
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                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
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                  | {
                      _id: string;
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                          | null
                          | {
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                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
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                              size: number;
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                              user_id?: null | string;
                      name: string;
                      nsfw?: boolean;
                      role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
                      server: string;
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          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: "-/channels/{target}";
                  | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      active: boolean;
                      channel_type: "DirectMessage";
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                      recipients: string[];
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      channel_type: "Group";
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                      | string;
                          | null
                          | {
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                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
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                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
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                              size: number;
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                              user_id?: null | string;
                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
                      name: string;
                      nsfw?: boolean;
                      owner: string;
                      permissions?: null | number;
                      recipients: string[];
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      channel_type: "TextChannel";
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                      | { a: number; d: number };
                      description?: null | string;
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
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                                  | { type: "File" }
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                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
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                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
                      name: string;
                      nsfw?: boolean;
                      role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
                      server: string;
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      channel_type: "VoiceChannel";
                      default_permissions?: null
                      | { a: number; d: number };
                      description?: null | string;
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
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                                  | { type: "File" }
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                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
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                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      name: string;
                      nsfw?: boolean;
                      role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
                      server: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/channels/${string}/members`;
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
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                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
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                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/members";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
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                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
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                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: {
                  after?: null | string;
                  before?: null | string;
                  include_users?: null | boolean;
                  limit?: null | number;
                  nearby?: null | string;
                  sort?: null | "Relevance" | "Latest" | "Oldest";
              parts: 3;
              path: `/channels/${string}/messages`;
              response: | {
                  _id: string;
                  attachments?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      content_type: string;
                      deleted?: (...)
                      | (...)
                      | (...)
                      | (...);
                      filename: string;
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                      metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                      object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                      server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      size: number;
                      tag: string;
                      user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                  author: string;
                  channel: string;
                  content?: null
                  | string;
                  edited?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | (
                          | {
                              colour?: ...;
                              description?: ...;
                              icon_url?: ...;
                              image?: ...;
                              original_url?: ...;
                              site_name?: ...;
                              special?: ...;
                              title?: ...;
                              type: ...;
                              url?: ...;
                              video?: ...;
                          | { height: ...; size: ...; type: ...; url: ...; width: ... }
                          | { height: ...; type: ...; url: ...; width: ... }
                          | {
                              colour?: ...;
                              description?: ...;
                              icon_url?: ...;
                              media?: ...;
                              title?: ...;
                              type: ...;
                              url?: ...;
                          | { type: ... }
                  flags?: number;
                  interactions?: {
                      reactions?: null | (...)[];
                      restrict_reactions?: boolean;
                  masquerade?: | null
                  | {
                      avatar?: null
                      | string;
                      colour?: null | string;
                      name?: null | string;
                  member?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: ...;
                              content_type: ...;
                              deleted?: ...;
                              filename: ...;
                              message_id?: ...;
                              metadata: ...;
                              object_id?: ...;
                              reported?: ...;
                              server_id?: ...;
                              size: ...;
                              tag: ...;
                              user_id?: ...;
                      joined_at: string;
                      nickname?: null
                      | string;
                      roles?: (...)[];
                      timeout?: null | string;
                  mentions?: null
                  | string[];
                  nonce?: null | string;
                  pinned?: null | boolean;
                  reactions?: { [key: string]: string[] };
                  replies?: null | string[];
                      | null
                      | { content: string; type: "text" }
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                      | { by: string; id: string; type: "user_remove" }
                      | { id: string; type: "user_joined" }
                      | { id: string; type: "user_left" }
                      | { id: string; type: "user_kicked" }
                      | { id: string; type: "user_banned" }
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                      | { by: string; type: "channel_description_changed" }
                      | { by: string; type: "channel_icon_changed" }
                      | { from: string; to: string; type: "channel_ownership_changed" }
                      | { by: string; id: string; type: "message_pinned" }
                      | { by: string; id: string; type: "message_unpinned" };
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          avatar?: | null
                          | {
                              _id: ...;
                              content_type: ...;
                              deleted?: ...;
                              filename: ...;
                              message_id?: ...;
                              metadata: ...;
                              object_id?: ...;
                              reported?: ...;
                              server_id?: ...;
                              size: ...;
                              tag: ...;
                              user_id?: ...;
                          badges?: number;
                          bot?: null
                          | { owner: ... };
                          discriminator: string;
                          display_name?: null | string;
                          flags?: number;
                          online: boolean;
                          privileged?: boolean;
                          relations?: (...)[];
                              | "User"
                              | "None"
                              | "Friend"
                              | "Outgoing"
                              | "Incoming"
                              | "Blocked"
                              | "BlockedOther";
                          status?: null
                          | { presence?: ...; text?: ... };
                          username: string;
                  webhook?: null
                  | { avatar?: null | string; name: string };
              | {
                  members?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: ...;
                              content_type: ...;
                              deleted?: ...;
                              filename: ...;
                              message_id?: ...;
                              metadata: ...;
                              object_id?: ...;
                              reported?: ...;
                              server_id?: ...;
                              size: ...;
                              tag: ...;
                              user_id?: ...;
                      joined_at: string;
                      nickname?: null
                      | string;
                      roles?: (...)[];
                      timeout?: null | string;
                  messages: {
                      _id: string;
                      attachments?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: ...;
                          content_type: ...;
                          deleted?: ...;
                          filename: ...;
                          message_id?: ...;
                          metadata: ...;
                          object_id?: ...;
                          reported?: ...;
                          server_id?: ...;
                          size: ...;
                          tag: ...;
                          user_id?: ...;
                      author: string;
                      channel: string;
                      content?: null
                      | string;
                      edited?: null | string;
                      embeds?: null | ((...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...))[];
                      flags?: number;
                      interactions?: {
                          reactions?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          restrict_reactions?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      masquerade?: | null
                      | {
                          avatar?: (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...);
                          colour?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      member?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: { server: ...; user: ... };
                          avatar?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          joined_at: string;
                          nickname?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          roles?: (...) | (...);
                          timeout?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      mentions?: null
                      | string[];
                      nonce?: null | string;
                      pinned?: null | boolean;
                      reactions?: { [key: string]: (...)[] };
                      replies?: null | string[];
                          | null
                          | { content: string; type: "text" }
                          | { by: string; id: string; type: "user_added" }
                          | { by: string; id: string; type: "user_remove" }
                          | { id: string; type: "user_joined" }
                          | { id: string; type: "user_left" }
                          | { id: string; type: "user_kicked" }
                          | { id: string; type: "user_banned" }
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                          | { by: string; type: "channel_description_changed" }
                          | { by: string; type: "channel_icon_changed" }
                          | { from: string; to: string; type: "channel_ownership_changed" }
                          | { by: string; id: string; type: "message_pinned" }
                          | { by: string; id: string; type: "message_unpinned" };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              avatar?: (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...);
                              badges?: (...) | (...);
                              bot?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              discriminator: string;
                              display_name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              flags?: (...) | (...);
                              online: boolean;
                              privileged?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              relations?: (...) | (...);
                              relationship: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                              status?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              username: string;
                      webhook?: null
                      | { avatar?: (...) | (...) | (...); name: string };
                  users: {
                      _id: string;
                      avatar?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...);
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                          object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                          server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      badges?: number;
                      bot?: null
                      | { owner: string };
                      discriminator: string;
                      display_name?: null | string;
                      flags?: number;
                      online: boolean;
                      privileged?: boolean;
                      relations?: { _id: ...; status: ... }[];
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                      status?: | null
                      | {
                          presence?: (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...);
                          text?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: {
                  after?: null | string;
                  before?: null | string;
                  include_users?: null | boolean;
                  limit?: null | number;
                  nearby?: null | string;
                  sort?: null | "Relevance" | "Latest" | "Oldest";
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/messages";
              response: | {
                  _id: string;
                  attachments?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      content_type: string;
                      deleted?: (...)
                      | (...)
                      | (...)
                      | (...);
                      filename: string;
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                      metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                      object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                      server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      size: number;
                      tag: string;
                      user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                  author: string;
                  channel: string;
                  content?: null
                  | string;
                  edited?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | (
                          | {
                              colour?: ...;
                              description?: ...;
                              icon_url?: ...;
                              image?: ...;
                              original_url?: ...;
                              site_name?: ...;
                              special?: ...;
                              title?: ...;
                              type: ...;
                              url?: ...;
                              video?: ...;
                          | { height: ...; size: ...; type: ...; url: ...; width: ... }
                          | { height: ...; type: ...; url: ...; width: ... }
                          | {
                              colour?: ...;
                              description?: ...;
                              icon_url?: ...;
                              media?: ...;
                              title?: ...;
                              type: ...;
                              url?: ...;
                          | { type: ... }
                  flags?: number;
                  interactions?: {
                      reactions?: null | (...)[];
                      restrict_reactions?: boolean;
                  masquerade?: | null
                  | {
                      avatar?: null
                      | string;
                      colour?: null | string;
                      name?: null | string;
                  member?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: ...;
                              content_type: ...;
                              deleted?: ...;
                              filename: ...;
                              message_id?: ...;
                              metadata: ...;
                              object_id?: ...;
                              reported?: ...;
                              server_id?: ...;
                              size: ...;
                              tag: ...;
                              user_id?: ...;
                      joined_at: string;
                      nickname?: null
                      | string;
                      roles?: (...)[];
                      timeout?: null | string;
                  mentions?: null
                  | string[];
                  nonce?: null | string;
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                      | null
                      | { content: string; type: "text" }
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                      | { by: string; id: string; type: "user_remove" }
                      | { id: string; type: "user_joined" }
                      | { id: string; type: "user_left" }
                      | { id: string; type: "user_kicked" }
                      | { id: string; type: "user_banned" }
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                      | { by: string; type: "channel_description_changed" }
                      | { by: string; type: "channel_icon_changed" }
                      | { from: string; to: string; type: "channel_ownership_changed" }
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                      | { by: string; id: string; type: "message_unpinned" };
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          avatar?: | null
                          | {
                              _id: ...;
                              content_type: ...;
                              deleted?: ...;
                              filename: ...;
                              message_id?: ...;
                              metadata: ...;
                              object_id?: ...;
                              reported?: ...;
                              server_id?: ...;
                              size: ...;
                              tag: ...;
                              user_id?: ...;
                          badges?: number;
                          bot?: null
                          | { owner: ... };
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                              | "None"
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                              | "Incoming"
                              | "Blocked"
                              | "BlockedOther";
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                          | { presence?: ...; text?: ... };
                          username: string;
                  webhook?: null
                  | { avatar?: null | string; name: string };
              | {
                  members?: | null
                  | {
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                          | null
                          | {
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                              user_id?: ...;
                      joined_at: string;
                      nickname?: null
                      | string;
                      roles?: (...)[];
                      timeout?: null | string;
                  messages: {
                      _id: string;
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                      | {
                          _id: ...;
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                          deleted?: ...;
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                          message_id?: ...;
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                          object_id?: ...;
                          reported?: ...;
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                          size: ...;
                          tag: ...;
                          user_id?: ...;
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                      | string;
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                          restrict_reactions?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      masquerade?: | null
                      | {
                          avatar?: (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...);
                          colour?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      member?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: { server: ...; user: ... };
                          avatar?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          joined_at: string;
                          nickname?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          roles?: (...) | (...);
                          timeout?: (...) | (...) | (...);
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                      | string[];
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                          | null
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                          | null
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                              _id: string;
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                              | (...)
                              | (...);
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                              bot?: (...) | (...) | (...);
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                              privileged?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              relations?: (...) | (...);
                              relationship: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                              status?: (...) | (...) | (...);
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                      _id: string;
                      avatar?: | null
                      | {
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                          | (...)
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                          server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
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                          user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
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                          | "User"
                          | "None"
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                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
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                      | {
                          presence?: (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...);
                          text?: (...) | (...) | (...);
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          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
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                  _id: string;
                      | null
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                          deleted?: null
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                          user_id?: null | string;
                  author: string;
                  channel: string;
                  content?: null
                  | string;
                  edited?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | (
                          | {
                              colour?: null
                              | string;
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                                  | null
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { type: ... }
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                                  | { content_type: ...; id: ...; type: ... }
                                  | { content_type: ...; id: ...; type: ... }
                                  | { content_type: ...; id: ...; type: ... }
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { content_type: ...; id: ...; type: ... }
                                  | { album_id: ...; track_id?: ...; type: ... }
                                  | { id: ...; type: ... };
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                  | {
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                      | string;
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                      name?: null | string;
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                  | {
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                          | null
                          | {
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                              | boolean;
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                                  | { type: ... }
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                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
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                      | string;
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                  | string[];
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                      | null
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                      | { from: string; to: string; type: "channel_ownership_changed" }
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                      | null
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                          | {
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                                  | { type: ... }
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                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
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                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
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                          | {
                              presence?: | null
                              | "Online"
                              | "Idle"
                              | "Focus"
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                              | "Invisible";
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                              | string;
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          | {
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              parts: 4;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}";
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                      | null
                      | {
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                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
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                  author: string;
                  channel: string;
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                  | string;
                  edited?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | (
                          | {
                              colour?: null
                              | string;
                              description?: null | string;
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                                  | null
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                                  | { type: ... }
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                                  | { content_type: ...; id: ...; type: ... }
                                  | { content_type: ...; id: ...; type: ... }
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { content_type: ...; id: ...; type: ... }
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                              | string;
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                  | {
                      avatar?: null
                      | string;
                      colour?: null | string;
                      name?: null | string;
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                  | {
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                          | null
                          | {
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                              | boolean;
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                                  | { type: ... }
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                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
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                      | string;
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                  mentions?: null
                  | string[];
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                  replies?: null | string[];
                      | null
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                          | {
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                              | boolean;
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                                  | { type: ... }
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                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
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                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
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                          | {
                              presence?: | null
                              | "Online"
                              | "Idle"
                              | "Focus"
                              | "Busy"
                              | "Invisible";
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                              | string;
                          username: string;
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                  | { avatar?: null | string; name: string };
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
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          | {
              method: "get";
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                      | null
                      | {
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                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
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                  channel_id: string;
                  creator_id: string;
                  id: string;
                  name: string;
                  permissions: number;
                  token?: null
                  | string;
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          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/channels/{channel_id}/webhooks";
              response: {
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
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                  | string;
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                  | {
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                      analytics?: boolean;
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                          | null
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                          | string;
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                              | string;
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                      | {
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                  | {
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                      analytics?: boolean;
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                              | string;
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                          | string;
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                          | null
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                              | string;
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                      | {
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                          | string;
                          user_joined?: null | string;
                          user_kicked?: null | string;
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          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
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                  members: {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
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                                  | { type: ... }
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                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
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                              user_id?: null | string;
                      joined_at: string;
                      nickname?: null
                      | string;
                      roles?: string[];
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                      | {
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                              | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
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                      flags?: number;
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                      privileged?: boolean;
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                          _id: string;
                          status: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
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                      | "Outgoing"
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                      | "BlockedOther";
                      status?: | null
                      | {
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                          | "Invisible";
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                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                          | null
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                              | boolean;
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                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
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                      | string;
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                      _id: string;
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                      | {
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                          | boolean;
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                              | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                              | { type: ... };
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                      | "Friend"
                      | "Outgoing"
                      | "Incoming"
                      | "Blocked"
                      | "BlockedOther";
                      status?: | null
                      | {
                          presence?: null
                          | "Online"
                          | "Idle"
                          | "Focus"
                          | "Busy"
                          | "Invisible";
                          text?: null | string;
                      username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
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                  | {
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                          | null
                          | {
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                      nickname?: null
                      | string;
                      roles?: string[];
                      timeout?: null | string;
                  | {
                      member: {
                          _id: { server: string; user: string };
                              | null
                              | {
                                  _id: string;
                                  content_type: string;
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                                  | boolean;
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                                      | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                      | { type: ... };
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                          | string;
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                              | string;
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          | {
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                  | {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                          | null
                          | {
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                              | boolean;
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                      | string;
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                  | {
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                              | null
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                                      | { type: ... }
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                                      | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                      | { type: ... };
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                          | string;
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                              | string;
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          | never
          | never
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          | never
          | {
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              params: { experimental_api: boolean; query: string };
              parts: 3;
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              response: {
                  members: {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
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                              | boolean;
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                                  | { type: ... }
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                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
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                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
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                              user_id?: null | string;
                      joined_at: string;
                      nickname?: null
                      | string;
                      roles?: string[];
                      timeout?: null | string;
                  users: {
                      _id: string;
                      avatar?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: ... }
                              | { type: ... }
                              | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                              | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                              | { type: ... };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                      badges?: number;
                      bot?: null
                      | { owner: string };
                      discriminator: string;
                      display_name?: null | string;
                      flags?: number;
                      online: boolean;
                      privileged?: boolean;
                      relations?: {
                          _id: string;
                          status: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                      relationship: | "User"
                      | "None"
                      | "Friend"
                      | "Outgoing"
                      | "Incoming"
                      | "Blocked"
                      | "BlockedOther";
                      status?: | null
                      | {
                          presence?: null
                          | "Online"
                          | "Idle"
                          | "Focus"
                          | "Busy"
                          | "Invisible";
                          text?: null | string;
                      username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: { experimental_api: boolean; query: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/servers/{target}/members_experimental_query";
              response: {
                  members: {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      joined_at: string;
                      nickname?: null
                      | string;
                      roles?: string[];
                      timeout?: null | string;
                  users: {
                      _id: string;
                      avatar?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: ... }
                              | { type: ... }
                              | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                              | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                              | { type: ... };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                      badges?: number;
                      bot?: null
                      | { owner: string };
                      discriminator: string;
                      display_name?: null | string;
                      flags?: number;
                      online: boolean;
                      privileged?: boolean;
                      relations?: {
                          _id: string;
                          status: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                      relationship: | "User"
                      | "None"
                      | "Friend"
                      | "Outgoing"
                      | "Incoming"
                      | "Blocked"
                      | "BlockedOther";
                      status?: | null
                      | {
                          presence?: null
                          | "Online"
                          | "Idle"
                          | "Focus"
                          | "Busy"
                          | "Invisible";
                          text?: null | string;
                      username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/servers/${string}/bans`;
              response: {
                  bans: {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                      reason?: null | string;
                  users: {
                      _id: string;
                      avatar?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: ... }
                              | { type: ... }
                              | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                              | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                              | { type: ... };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                      discriminator: string;
                      username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/servers/{target}/bans";
              response: {
                  bans: {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                      reason?: null | string;
                  users: {
                      _id: string;
                      avatar?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: ... }
                              | { type: ... }
                              | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                              | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                              | { type: ... };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                      discriminator: string;
                      username: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/servers/${string}/invites`;
              response: (
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      channel: string;
                      creator: string;
                      server: string;
                      type: "Server";
                  | { _id: string; channel: string; creator: string; type: "Group" }
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/servers/{target}/invites";
              response: (
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      channel: string;
                      creator: string;
                      server: string;
                      type: "Server";
                  | { _id: string; channel: string; creator: string; type: "Group" }
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: `/servers/${string}/roles/${string}`;
              response: {
                  colour?: null | string;
                  hoist?: boolean;
                  name: string;
                  permissions: { a: number; d: number };
                  rank?: number;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/servers/{target}/roles/{role_id}";
              response: {
                  colour?: null | string;
                  hoist?: boolean;
                  name: string;
                  permissions: { a: number; d: number };
                  rank?: number;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/servers/${string}/emojis`;
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  animated?: boolean;
                  creator_id: string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  parent: { id: string; type: "Server" } | { type: "Detached" };
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/servers/{target}/emojis";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  animated?: boolean;
                  creator_id: string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  parent: { id: string; type: "Server" } | { type: "Detached" };
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: `/invites/${string}`;
                  | {
                      channel_description?: null
                      | string;
                      channel_id: string;
                      channel_name: string;
                      code: string;
                      member_count: number;
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: "File" }
                                  | { type: "Text" }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      server_flags?: null
                      | number;
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: "File" }
                                  | { type: "Text" }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      server_id: string;
                      server_name: string;
                      type: "Server";
                      user_avatar?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                      user_name: string;
                  | {
                      channel_description?: null
                      | string;
                      channel_id: string;
                      channel_name: string;
                      code: string;
                      type: "Group";
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: "File" }
                                  | { type: "Text" }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      user_name: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: "-/invites/{target}";
                  | {
                      channel_description?: null
                      | string;
                      channel_id: string;
                      channel_name: string;
                      code: string;
                      member_count: number;
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: "File" }
                                  | { type: "Text" }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      server_flags?: null
                      | number;
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: "File" }
                                  | { type: "Text" }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      server_id: string;
                      server_name: string;
                      type: "Server";
                      user_avatar?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                      user_name: string;
                  | {
                      channel_description?: null
                      | string;
                      channel_id: string;
                      channel_name: string;
                      code: string;
                      type: "Group";
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: "File" }
                                  | { type: "Text" }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      user_name: string;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/custom/emoji/${string}`;
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  animated?: boolean;
                  creator_id: string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  parent: { id: string; type: "Server" } | { type: "Detached" };
          } & { method: "get" }
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/custom/emoji/{emoji_id}";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  animated?: boolean;
                  creator_id: string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  parent: { id: string; type: "Server" } | { type: "Detached" };
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/account/";
              response: { _id: string; email: string };
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/session/all";
              response: { _id: string; name: string }[];
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/mfa/";
              response: {
                  email_mfa: boolean;
                  email_otp: boolean;
                  recovery_active: boolean;
                  security_key_mfa: boolean;
                  totp_mfa: boolean;
                  trusted_handover: boolean;
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/mfa/methods";
              response: ("Password" | "Recovery" | "Totp")[];
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: "/onboard/hello";
              response: { onboarding: boolean };
          } & { method: "get" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "get";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: "/sync/unreads";
              response: {
                  _id: { channel: string; user: string };
                  last_id?: null | string;
                  mentions?: string[];
          } & { method: "get" }
      ) & { parts: Count<Path, "/">; path: Path }


    Returns Promise<Route["response"]>

    Typed Response Data

  • Send HTTP PATCH request.

    Type Parameters

    • Path extends
          | "/auth/account/change/password"
          | "/auth/account/change/email"
          | "/auth/account/reset_password"
          | `/users/${string}`
          | "-/users/{target}"
          | `/bots/${string}`
          | `/channels/${string}`
          | "-/channels/{target}"
          | `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}`
          | "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}"
          | `/servers/${string}/roles/${string}`
          | "-/servers/{target}/roles/{role_id}"
          | "-/bots/{target}"
          | `/servers/${string}`
          | "-/servers/{target}"
          | `/servers/${string}/members/${string}`
          | "-/servers/{server}/members/{member}"
          | `/auth/session/${string}`
          | "-/auth/session/{id}"
          | "/auth/mfa/recovery"
    • Route extends (
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: {
                  avatar?: null
                  | string;
                  badges?: null | number;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: null | number;
                  profile?: null | { background?: null | string; content?: null | string };
                      | null
                      | (
                          | "Avatar"
                          | "StatusText"
                          | "StatusPresence"
                          | "ProfileContent"
                          | "ProfileBackground"
                          | "DisplayName"
                          | "Internal"
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
              parts: 2;
              path: `/users/${string}`;
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  avatar?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      content_type: string;
                      deleted?: null
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          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
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                              | string;
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                                  | { content_type: ...; id: ...; type: ... }
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                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
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                      | string;
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                              | string;
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                  | string;
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                      | null
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                      | string;
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          | never
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          | never
          | never
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          | never
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          | never
          | never
          | never
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          | never
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                          user_kicked?: null | string;
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                          | string;
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                      | string;
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                  roles?: null | string[];
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                  _id: { server: string; user: string };
                      | null
                      | {
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                  | string;
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                  roles?: null | string[];
                  timeout?: null | string;
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                  _id: { server: string; user: string };
                      | null
                      | {
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                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  joined_at: string;
                  nickname?: null
                  | string;
                  roles?: string[];
                  timeout?: null | string;
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: {
                  colour?: null | string;
                  hoist?: null | boolean;
                  name?: null | string;
                  rank?: null | number;
                  remove?: null | "Colour"[];
              parts: 4;
              path: `/servers/${string}/roles/${string}`;
              response: {
                  colour?: null
                  | string;
                  hoist?: boolean;
                  name: string;
                  permissions: { a: number; d: number };
                  rank?: number;
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: {
                  colour?: null | string;
                  hoist?: null | boolean;
                  name?: null | string;
                  rank?: null | number;
                  remove?: null | "Colour"[];
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/servers/{target}/roles/{role_id}";
              response: {
                  colour?: null
                  | string;
                  hoist?: boolean;
                  name: string;
                  permissions: { a: number; d: number };
                  rank?: number;
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: { current_password: string; password: string };
              parts: 4;
              path: "/auth/account/change/password";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: { current_password: string; email: string };
              parts: 4;
              path: "/auth/account/change/email";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: { password: string; remove_sessions?: boolean; token: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/account/reset_password";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: { friendly_name: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: `/auth/session/${string}`;
              response: { _id: string; name: string };
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: { friendly_name: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/auth/session/{id}";
              response: { _id: string; name: string };
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/mfa/recovery";
              response: string[];
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
      ) & { parts: Count<Path, "/">; path: Path }


    • path: Path


    • params: Route["params"]

      Body or Query Parameters

    • Optionalconfig: AxiosRequestConfig<any>

      Axios configuration

    Returns Promise<Route["response"]>

    Typed Response Data

  • Send HTTP PATCH request.

    Type Parameters

    • Path extends "/auth/mfa/recovery"
    • Route extends (
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: {
                  avatar?: null
                  | string;
                  badges?: null | number;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: null | number;
                  profile?: null | { background?: null | string; content?: null | string };
                      | null
                      | (
                          | "Avatar"
                          | "StatusText"
                          | "StatusPresence"
                          | "ProfileContent"
                          | "ProfileBackground"
                          | "DisplayName"
                          | "Internal"
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
              parts: 2;
              path: `/users/${string}`;
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  avatar?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      content_type: string;
                      deleted?: null
                      | boolean;
                      filename: string;
                      message_id?: null | string;
                          | { type: "File" }
                          | { type: "Text" }
                          | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                          | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                          | { type: "Audio" };
                      object_id?: null | string;
                      reported?: null | boolean;
                      server_id?: null | string;
                      size: number;
                      tag: string;
                      user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: {
                  avatar?: null | string;
                  badges?: null | number;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: null | number;
                  profile?: null | { background?: null | string; content?: null | string };
                      | null
                      | (
                          | "Avatar"
                          | "StatusText"
                          | "StatusPresence"
                          | "ProfileContent"
                          | "ProfileBackground"
                          | "DisplayName"
                          | "Internal"
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
              parts: 2;
              path: "-/users/{target}";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  avatar?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      content_type: string;
                      deleted?: null
                      | boolean;
                      filename: string;
                      message_id?: null | string;
                          | { type: "File" }
                          | { type: "Text" }
                          | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                          | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                          | { type: "Audio" };
                      object_id?: null | string;
                      reported?: null | boolean;
                      server_id?: null | string;
                      size: number;
                      tag: string;
                      user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: { password: string; username: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: "/users/@me/username";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: {
                  analytics?: null | boolean;
                  interactions_url?: null | string;
                  name?: null | string;
                  public?: null | boolean;
                  remove?: null | ("Token" | "InteractionsURL")[];
              parts: 2;
              path: `/bots/${string}`;
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  analytics?: boolean;
                  discoverable?: boolean;
                  flags?: number;
                  interactions_url?: string;
                  owner: string;
                  privacy_policy_url?: string;
                  public: boolean;
                  terms_of_service_url?: string;
                  token: string;
                  user: {
                      _id: string;
                      avatar?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                      badges?: number;
                      bot?: null
                      | { owner: string };
                      discriminator: string;
                      display_name?: null | string;
                      flags?: number;
                      online: boolean;
                      privileged?: boolean;
                      relations?: {
                          _id: string;
                              | "User"
                              | "None"
                              | "Friend"
                              | "Outgoing"
                              | "Incoming"
                              | "Blocked"
                              | "BlockedOther";
                      relationship: | "User"
                      | "None"
                      | "Friend"
                      | "Outgoing"
                      | "Incoming"
                      | "Blocked"
                      | "BlockedOther";
                      status?: | null
                      | {
                          presence?: null
                          | "Online"
                          | "Idle"
                          | "Focus"
                          | "Busy"
                          | "Invisible";
                          text?: null | string;
                      username: string;
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: {
                  analytics?: null | boolean;
                  interactions_url?: null | string;
                  name?: null | string;
                  public?: null | boolean;
                  remove?: null | ("Token" | "InteractionsURL")[];
              parts: 2;
              path: "-/bots/{target}";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  analytics?: boolean;
                  discoverable?: boolean;
                  flags?: number;
                  interactions_url?: string;
                  owner: string;
                  privacy_policy_url?: string;
                  public: boolean;
                  terms_of_service_url?: string;
                  token: string;
                  user: {
                      _id: string;
                      avatar?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                      badges?: number;
                      bot?: null
                      | { owner: string };
                      discriminator: string;
                      display_name?: null | string;
                      flags?: number;
                      online: boolean;
                      privileged?: boolean;
                      relations?: {
                          _id: string;
                              | "User"
                              | "None"
                              | "Friend"
                              | "Outgoing"
                              | "Incoming"
                              | "Blocked"
                              | "BlockedOther";
                      relationship: | "User"
                      | "None"
                      | "Friend"
                      | "Outgoing"
                      | "Incoming"
                      | "Blocked"
                      | "BlockedOther";
                      status?: | null
                      | {
                          presence?: null
                          | "Online"
                          | "Idle"
                          | "Focus"
                          | "Busy"
                          | "Invisible";
                          text?: null | string;
                      username: string;
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: {
                  archived?: null | boolean;
                  description?: null | string;
                  icon?: null | string;
                  name?: null | string;
                  nsfw?: null | boolean;
                  owner?: null | string;
                  remove?: null | ("Description" | "Icon" | "DefaultPermissions")[];
              parts: 2;
              path: `/channels/${string}`;
              response: | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  active: boolean;
                  channel_type: "DirectMessage";
                  last_message_id?: null | string;
                  recipients: string[];
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  channel_type: "Group";
                  description?: null
                  | string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  last_message_id?: null
                  | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  owner: string;
                  permissions?: null | number;
                  recipients: string[];
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  channel_type: "TextChannel";
                  default_permissions?: null
                  | { a: number; d: number };
                  description?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  last_message_id?: null
                  | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
                  server: string;
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  channel_type: "VoiceChannel";
                  default_permissions?: null
                  | { a: number; d: number };
                  description?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
                  server: string;
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: {
                  archived?: null | boolean;
                  description?: null | string;
                  icon?: null | string;
                  name?: null | string;
                  nsfw?: null | boolean;
                  owner?: null | string;
                  remove?: null | ("Description" | "Icon" | "DefaultPermissions")[];
              parts: 2;
              path: "-/channels/{target}";
              response: | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
              | {
                  _id: string;
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                  | string;
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                      | null
                      | (
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                              | string;
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                      | string;
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                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
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                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
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                              | string;
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              path: "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}";
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                  | {
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                              | string;
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          | never
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          | never
          | never
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          | never
          | never
          | never
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          | never
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          | never
          | never
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          | never
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                          | string;
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                          user_kicked?: null | string;
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                  | {
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                          | string;
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                          permissions: { a: number; d: number };
                          rank?: number;
                  system_messages?: | null
                  | {
                      user_banned?: null
                      | string;
                      user_joined?: null | string;
                      user_kicked?: null | string;
                      user_left?: null | string;
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: {
                  analytics?: null | boolean;
                  banner?: null | string;
                  categories?: null | { channels: string[]; id: string; title: string }[];
                  description?: null | string;
                  discoverable?: null | boolean;
                  flags?: null | number;
                  icon?: null | string;
                  name?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | ("Description" | "Icon" | "Categories" | "SystemMessages" | "Banner")[];
                      | null
                      | {
                          user_banned?: null
                          | string;
                          user_joined?: null | string;
                          user_kicked?: null | string;
                          user_left?: null | string;
              parts: 2;
              path: "-/servers/{target}";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  analytics?: boolean;
                  banner?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      content_type: string;
                      deleted?: null
                      | boolean;
                      filename: string;
                      message_id?: null | string;
                          | { type: "File" }
                          | { type: "Text" }
                          | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                          | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                          | { type: "Audio" };
                      object_id?: null | string;
                      reported?: null | boolean;
                      server_id?: null | string;
                      size: number;
                      tag: string;
                      user_id?: null | string;
                  categories?: null
                  | { channels: string[]; id: string; title: string }[];
                  channels: string[];
                  default_permissions: number;
                  description?: null | string;
                  discoverable?: boolean;
                  flags?: number;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  owner: string;
                  roles?: {
                      [key: string]: {
                          colour?: null
                          | string;
                          hoist?: boolean;
                          name: string;
                          permissions: { a: number; d: number };
                          rank?: number;
                  system_messages?: | null
                  | {
                      user_banned?: null
                      | string;
                      user_joined?: null | string;
                      user_kicked?: null | string;
                      user_left?: null | string;
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: {
                  avatar?: null | string;
                  nickname?: null | string;
                  remove?: null | ("Avatar" | "Nickname" | "Roles" | "Timeout")[];
                  roles?: null | string[];
                  timeout?: null | string;
              parts: 4;
              path: `/servers/${string}/members/${string}`;
              response: {
                  _id: { server: string; user: string };
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  joined_at: string;
                  nickname?: null
                  | string;
                  roles?: string[];
                  timeout?: null | string;
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: {
                  avatar?: null | string;
                  nickname?: null | string;
                  remove?: null | ("Avatar" | "Nickname" | "Roles" | "Timeout")[];
                  roles?: null | string[];
                  timeout?: null | string;
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/servers/{server}/members/{member}";
              response: {
                  _id: { server: string; user: string };
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  joined_at: string;
                  nickname?: null
                  | string;
                  roles?: string[];
                  timeout?: null | string;
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: {
                  colour?: null | string;
                  hoist?: null | boolean;
                  name?: null | string;
                  rank?: null | number;
                  remove?: null | "Colour"[];
              parts: 4;
              path: `/servers/${string}/roles/${string}`;
              response: {
                  colour?: null
                  | string;
                  hoist?: boolean;
                  name: string;
                  permissions: { a: number; d: number };
                  rank?: number;
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: {
                  colour?: null | string;
                  hoist?: null | boolean;
                  name?: null | string;
                  rank?: null | number;
                  remove?: null | "Colour"[];
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/servers/{target}/roles/{role_id}";
              response: {
                  colour?: null
                  | string;
                  hoist?: boolean;
                  name: string;
                  permissions: { a: number; d: number };
                  rank?: number;
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: { current_password: string; password: string };
              parts: 4;
              path: "/auth/account/change/password";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: { current_password: string; email: string };
              parts: 4;
              path: "/auth/account/change/email";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: { password: string; remove_sessions?: boolean; token: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/account/reset_password";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: { friendly_name: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: `/auth/session/${string}`;
              response: { _id: string; name: string };
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: { friendly_name: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/auth/session/{id}";
              response: { _id: string; name: string };
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "patch";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/mfa/recovery";
              response: string[];
          } & { method: "patch" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
      ) & { parts: Count<Path, "/">; path: Path }


    Returns Promise<Route["response"]>

    Typed Response Data

  • Send HTTP POST request.

    Type Parameters

    • Path extends
          | "/users/friend"
          | "/bots/create"
          | "/channels/create"
          | "/servers/create"
          | "/safety/report"
          | "/auth/account/create"
          | "/auth/account/reverify"
          | "/auth/account/delete"
          | "/auth/account/reset_password"
          | "/auth/session/login"
          | "/auth/mfa/totp"
          | "/onboard/complete"
          | "/push/subscribe"
          | "/sync/settings/fetch"
          | "/sync/settings/set"
          | `/bots/${string}/invite`
          | "-/bots/{target}/invite"
          | `/channels/${string}/webhooks`
          | `/invites/${string}`
          | "-/invites/{target}"
          | `/channels/${string}/invites`
          | "-/channels/{target}/invites"
          | `/channels/${string}/messages`
          | "-/channels/{target}/messages"
          | `/channels/${string}/search`
          | "-/channels/{target}/search"
          | `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}/pin`
          | "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}/pin"
          | `/channels/${string}/join_call`
          | "-/channels/{target}/join_call"
          | "-/channels/{target}/webhooks"
          | `/servers/${string}/channels`
          | "-/servers/{server}/channels"
          | `/servers/${string}/roles`
          | "-/servers/{target}/roles"
          | "/auth/account/disable"
          | `/auth/account/verify/${string}`
          | "-/auth/account/verify/{code}"
          | "/auth/session/logout"
          | "/auth/mfa/recovery"
          | "/push/unsubscribe"
    • Route extends (
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { username: string };
              parts: 2;
              path: "/users/friend";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { name: string };
              parts: 2;
              path: "/bots/create";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  analytics?: boolean;
                  discoverable?: boolean;
                  flags?: number;
                  interactions_url?: string;
                  owner: string;
                  privacy_policy_url?: string;
                  public: boolean;
                  terms_of_service_url?: string;
                  token: string;
                  user: {
                      _id: string;
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: "File" }
                                  | { type: "Text" }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      badges?: number;
                      bot?: null
                      | { owner: string };
                      discriminator: string;
                      display_name?: null | string;
                      flags?: number;
                      online: boolean;
                      privileged?: boolean;
                      relations?: {
                          _id: string;
                              | "User"
                              | "None"
                              | "Friend"
                              | "Outgoing"
                              | "Incoming"
                              | "Blocked"
                              | "BlockedOther";
                      relationship: | "User"
                      | "None"
                      | "Friend"
                      | "Outgoing"
                      | "Incoming"
                      | "Blocked"
                      | "BlockedOther";
                      status?: | null
                      | {
                          presence?: null
                          | "Online"
                          | "Idle"
                          | "Focus"
                          | "Busy"
                          | "Invisible";
                          text?: null | string;
                      username: string;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { server: string } | { group: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: `/bots/${string}/invite`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { server: string } | { group: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/bots/{target}/invite";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/channels/${string}/invites`;
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      channel: string;
                      creator: string;
                      server: string;
                      type: "Server";
                  | { _id: string; channel: string; creator: string; type: "Group" };
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/invites";
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      channel: string;
                      creator: string;
                      server: string;
                      type: "Server";
                  | { _id: string; channel: string; creator: string; type: "Group" };
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: {
                  attachments?: null | string[];
                  content?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          colour?: null
                          | string;
                          description?: null | string;
                          icon_url?: null | string;
                          media?: null | string;
                          title?: null | string;
                          url?: null | string;
                  flags?: null
                  | number;
                      | null
                      | { reactions?: null
                      | string[]; restrict_reactions?: boolean };
                      | null
                      | {
                          avatar?: null
                          | string;
                          colour?: null | string;
                          name?: null | string;
                  nonce?: null
                  | string;
                  replies?: null | { id: string; mention: boolean }[];
              parts: 3;
              path: `/channels/${string}/messages`;
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  attachments?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      content_type: string;
                      deleted?: null
                      | boolean;
                      filename: string;
                      message_id?: null | string;
                          | { type: "File" }
                          | { type: "Text" }
                          | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                          | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                          | { type: "Audio" };
                      object_id?: null | string;
                      reported?: null | boolean;
                      server_id?: null | string;
                      size: number;
                      tag: string;
                      user_id?: null | string;
                  author: string;
                  channel: string;
                  content?: null
                  | string;
                  edited?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | (
                          | {
                              colour?: null
                              | string;
                              description?: null | string;
                              icon_url?: null | string;
                              image?: null | { height: ...; size: ...; url: ...; width: ... };
                              original_url?: null | string;
                              site_name?: null | string;
                                  | null
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { id: ...; timestamp?: ...; type: ... }
                                  | { content_type: ...; id: ...; type: ... }
                                  | { content_type: ...; id: ...; type: ... }
                                  | { content_type: ...; id: ...; type: ... }
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { content_type: ...; id: ...; type: ... }
                                  | { album_id: ...; track_id?: ...; type: ... }
                                  | { id: ...; type: ... };
                              title?: null | string;
                              type: "Website";
                              url?: null | string;
                              video?: null | { height: ...; url: ...; width: ... };
                          | {
                              height: number;
                              size: "Large"
                              | "Preview";
                              type: "Image";
                              url: string;
                              width: number;
                          | { height: number; type: "Video"; url: string; width: number }
                          | {
                              colour?: null | string;
                              description?: null | string;
                              icon_url?: null | string;
                                  | null
                                  | {
                                      _id: ...;
                                      content_type: ...;
                                      deleted?: ...;
                                      filename: ...;
                                      message_id?: ...;
                                      metadata: ...;
                                      object_id?: ...;
                                      reported?: ...;
                                      server_id?: ...;
                                      size: ...;
                                      tag: ...;
                                      user_id?: ...;
                              title?: null
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                  | {
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                      | string;
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                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
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                      | string;
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                  | string[];
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                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
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                              | string;
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                          | string;
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                  | number;
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                      | string[]; restrict_reactions?: boolean };
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                  | string;
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                  | string;
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                      | null
                      | (
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                              | string;
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                      | string;
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                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
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                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
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                  | {
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                  | string;
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                      | string;
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                      | string;
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                      | {
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                          | (...)
                          | (...);
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                      | {
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                          nickname?: (...) | (...) | (...);
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                      | string[];
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                              | (...)
                              | (...);
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                              bot?: (...) | (...) | (...);
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                      | {
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                          metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                          object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                          server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      badges?: number;
                      bot?: null
                      | { owner: string };
                      discriminator: string;
                      display_name?: null | string;
                      flags?: number;
                      online: boolean;
                      privileged?: boolean;
                      relations?: { _id: ...; status: ... }[];
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                      status?: | null
                      | {
                          presence?: (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...);
                          text?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      username: string;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: {
                  after?: null | string;
                  before?: null | string;
                  include_users?: null | boolean;
                  limit?: null | number;
                  pinned?: null | boolean;
                  query?: null | string;
                  sort?: "Relevance" | "Latest" | "Oldest";
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/search";
              response: | {
                  _id: string;
                  attachments?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      content_type: string;
                      deleted?: (...)
                      | (...)
                      | (...)
                      | (...);
                      filename: string;
                      message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                      object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                      server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      size: number;
                      tag: string;
                      user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                  author: string;
                  channel: string;
                  content?: null
                  | string;
                  edited?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | (
                          | {
                              colour?: ...;
                              description?: ...;
                              icon_url?: ...;
                              image?: ...;
                              original_url?: ...;
                              site_name?: ...;
                              special?: ...;
                              title?: ...;
                              type: ...;
                              url?: ...;
                              video?: ...;
                          | { height: ...; size: ...; type: ...; url: ...; width: ... }
                          | { height: ...; type: ...; url: ...; width: ... }
                          | {
                              colour?: ...;
                              description?: ...;
                              icon_url?: ...;
                              media?: ...;
                              title?: ...;
                              type: ...;
                              url?: ...;
                          | { type: ... }
                  flags?: number;
                  interactions?: {
                      reactions?: null | (...)[];
                      restrict_reactions?: boolean;
                  masquerade?: | null
                  | {
                      avatar?: null
                      | string;
                      colour?: null | string;
                      name?: null | string;
                  member?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: ...;
                              content_type: ...;
                              deleted?: ...;
                              filename: ...;
                              message_id?: ...;
                              metadata: ...;
                              object_id?: ...;
                              reported?: ...;
                              server_id?: ...;
                              size: ...;
                              tag: ...;
                              user_id?: ...;
                      joined_at: string;
                      nickname?: null
                      | string;
                      roles?: (...)[];
                      timeout?: null | string;
                  mentions?: null
                  | string[];
                  nonce?: null | string;
                  pinned?: null | boolean;
                  reactions?: { [key: string]: string[] };
                  replies?: null | string[];
                      | null
                      | { content: string; type: "text" }
                      | { by: string; id: string; type: "user_added" }
                      | { by: string; id: string; type: "user_remove" }
                      | { id: string; type: "user_joined" }
                      | { id: string; type: "user_left" }
                      | { id: string; type: "user_kicked" }
                      | { id: string; type: "user_banned" }
                      | { by: string; name: string; type: "channel_renamed" }
                      | { by: string; type: "channel_description_changed" }
                      | { by: string; type: "channel_icon_changed" }
                      | { from: string; to: string; type: "channel_ownership_changed" }
                      | { by: string; id: string; type: "message_pinned" }
                      | { by: string; id: string; type: "message_unpinned" };
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          avatar?: | null
                          | {
                              _id: ...;
                              content_type: ...;
                              deleted?: ...;
                              filename: ...;
                              message_id?: ...;
                              metadata: ...;
                              object_id?: ...;
                              reported?: ...;
                              server_id?: ...;
                              size: ...;
                              tag: ...;
                              user_id?: ...;
                          badges?: number;
                          bot?: null
                          | { owner: ... };
                          discriminator: string;
                          display_name?: null | string;
                          flags?: number;
                          online: boolean;
                          privileged?: boolean;
                          relations?: (...)[];
                              | "User"
                              | "None"
                              | "Friend"
                              | "Outgoing"
                              | "Incoming"
                              | "Blocked"
                              | "BlockedOther";
                          status?: null
                          | { presence?: ...; text?: ... };
                          username: string;
                  webhook?: null
                  | { avatar?: null | string; name: string };
              | {
                  members?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: ...;
                              content_type: ...;
                              deleted?: ...;
                              filename: ...;
                              message_id?: ...;
                              metadata: ...;
                              object_id?: ...;
                              reported?: ...;
                              server_id?: ...;
                              size: ...;
                              tag: ...;
                              user_id?: ...;
                      joined_at: string;
                      nickname?: null
                      | string;
                      roles?: (...)[];
                      timeout?: null | string;
                  messages: {
                      _id: string;
                      attachments?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: ...;
                          content_type: ...;
                          deleted?: ...;
                          filename: ...;
                          message_id?: ...;
                          metadata: ...;
                          object_id?: ...;
                          reported?: ...;
                          server_id?: ...;
                          size: ...;
                          tag: ...;
                          user_id?: ...;
                      author: string;
                      channel: string;
                      content?: null
                      | string;
                      edited?: null | string;
                      embeds?: null | ((...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...))[];
                      flags?: number;
                      interactions?: {
                          reactions?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          restrict_reactions?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      masquerade?: | null
                      | {
                          avatar?: (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...);
                          colour?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      member?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: { server: ...; user: ... };
                          avatar?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          joined_at: string;
                          nickname?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          roles?: (...) | (...);
                          timeout?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      mentions?: null
                      | string[];
                      nonce?: null | string;
                      pinned?: null | boolean;
                      reactions?: { [key: string]: (...)[] };
                      replies?: null | string[];
                          | null
                          | { content: string; type: "text" }
                          | { by: string; id: string; type: "user_added" }
                          | { by: string; id: string; type: "user_remove" }
                          | { id: string; type: "user_joined" }
                          | { id: string; type: "user_left" }
                          | { id: string; type: "user_kicked" }
                          | { id: string; type: "user_banned" }
                          | { by: string; name: string; type: "channel_renamed" }
                          | { by: string; type: "channel_description_changed" }
                          | { by: string; type: "channel_icon_changed" }
                          | { from: string; to: string; type: "channel_ownership_changed" }
                          | { by: string; id: string; type: "message_pinned" }
                          | { by: string; id: string; type: "message_unpinned" };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              avatar?: (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...);
                              badges?: (...) | (...);
                              bot?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              discriminator: string;
                              display_name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              flags?: (...) | (...);
                              online: boolean;
                              privileged?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              relations?: (...) | (...);
                              relationship: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                              status?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              username: string;
                      webhook?: null
                      | { avatar?: (...) | (...) | (...); name: string };
                  users: {
                      _id: string;
                      avatar?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...);
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                          object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                          server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      badges?: number;
                      bot?: null
                      | { owner: string };
                      discriminator: string;
                      display_name?: null | string;
                      flags?: number;
                      online: boolean;
                      privileged?: boolean;
                      relations?: { _id: ...; status: ... }[];
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                      status?: | null
                      | {
                          presence?: (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...);
                          text?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      username: string;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 5;
              path: `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}/pin`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 5;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}/pin";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: {
                  description?: null | string;
                  icon?: null | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: null | boolean;
                  users?: string[];
              parts: 2;
              path: "/channels/create";
              response: | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  active: boolean;
                  channel_type: "DirectMessage";
                  last_message_id?: null | string;
                  recipients: string[];
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  channel_type: "Group";
                  description?: null
                  | string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
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                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
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                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  last_message_id?: null
                  | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  owner: string;
                  permissions?: null | number;
                  recipients: string[];
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  channel_type: "TextChannel";
                  default_permissions?: null
                  | { a: number; d: number };
                  description?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
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                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  last_message_id?: null
                  | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
                  server: string;
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  channel_type: "VoiceChannel";
                  default_permissions?: null
                  | { a: number; d: number };
                  description?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
                  server: string;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/channels/${string}/join_call`;
              response: { token: string };
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/join_call";
              response: { token: string };
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { avatar?: null | string; name: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: `/channels/${string}/webhooks`;
              response: {
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  channel_id: string;
                  creator_id: string;
                  id: string;
                  name: string;
                  permissions: number;
                  token?: null
                  | string;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { avatar?: null | string; name: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/webhooks";
              response: {
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  channel_id: string;
                  creator_id: string;
                  id: string;
                  name: string;
                  permissions: number;
                  token?: null
                  | string;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: {
                  description?: null | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: null | boolean;
              parts: 2;
              path: "/servers/create";
              response: {
                  channels: (
                      | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          active: boolean;
                          channel_type: "DirectMessage";
                          last_message_id?: null | string;
                          recipients: string[];
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          channel_type: "Group";
                          description?: null
                          | string;
                              | null
                              | {
                                  _id: string;
                                  content_type: string;
                                  deleted?: (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...);
                                  filename: string;
                                  message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  size: number;
                                  tag: string;
                                  user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          last_message_id?: null
                          | string;
                          name: string;
                          nsfw?: boolean;
                          owner: string;
                          permissions?: null | number;
                          recipients: string[];
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          channel_type: "TextChannel";
                          default_permissions?: null
                          | { a: number; d: number };
                          description?: null | string;
                              | null
                              | {
                                  _id: string;
                                  content_type: string;
                                  deleted?: (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...);
                                  filename: string;
                                  message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  size: number;
                                  tag: string;
                                  user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          last_message_id?: null
                          | string;
                          name: string;
                          nsfw?: boolean;
                          role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: ...; d: ... } };
                          server: string;
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          channel_type: "VoiceChannel";
                          default_permissions?: null
                          | { a: number; d: number };
                          description?: null | string;
                              | null
                              | {
                                  _id: string;
                                  content_type: string;
                                  deleted?: (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...);
                                  filename: string;
                                  message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  size: number;
                                  tag: string;
                                  user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          name: string;
                          nsfw?: boolean;
                          role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: ...; d: ... } };
                          server: string;
                  server: {
                      _id: string;
                      analytics?: boolean;
                      banner?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                      categories?: null
                      | { channels: string[]; id: string; title: string }[];
                      channels: string[];
                      default_permissions: number;
                      description?: null | string;
                      discoverable?: boolean;
                      flags?: number;
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: "File" }
                                  | { type: "Text" }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      name: string;
                      nsfw?: boolean;
                      owner: string;
                      roles?: {
                          [key: string]: {
                              colour?: null
                              | string;
                              hoist?: boolean;
                              name: string;
                              permissions: { a: number; d: number };
                              rank?: number;
                      system_messages?: | null
                      | {
                          user_banned?: null
                          | string;
                          user_joined?: null | string;
                          user_kicked?: null | string;
                          user_left?: null | string;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: {
                  description?: null | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: null | boolean;
                  type?: "Text" | "Voice";
              parts: 3;
              path: `/servers/${string}/channels`;
              response: | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  active: boolean;
                  channel_type: "DirectMessage";
                  last_message_id?: null | string;
                  recipients: string[];
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  channel_type: "Group";
                  description?: null
                  | string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  last_message_id?: null
                  | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  owner: string;
                  permissions?: null | number;
                  recipients: string[];
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  channel_type: "TextChannel";
                  default_permissions?: null
                  | { a: number; d: number };
                  description?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  last_message_id?: null
                  | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
                  server: string;
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  channel_type: "VoiceChannel";
                  default_permissions?: null
                  | { a: number; d: number };
                  description?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
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                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
                  server: string;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: {
                  description?: null | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: null | boolean;
                  type?: "Text" | "Voice";
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/servers/{server}/channels";
              response: | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  active: boolean;
                  channel_type: "DirectMessage";
                  last_message_id?: null | string;
                  recipients: string[];
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  channel_type: "Group";
                  description?: null
                  | string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
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                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
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                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  last_message_id?: null
                  | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  owner: string;
                  permissions?: null | number;
                  recipients: string[];
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  channel_type: "TextChannel";
                  default_permissions?: null
                  | { a: number; d: number };
                  description?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
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                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  last_message_id?: null
                  | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
                  server: string;
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  channel_type: "VoiceChannel";
                  default_permissions?: null
                  | { a: number; d: number };
                  description?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
                  server: string;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { name: string; rank?: null | number };
              parts: 3;
              path: `/servers/${string}/roles`;
              response: {
                  id: string;
                  role: {
                      colour?: null | string;
                      hoist?: boolean;
                      name: string;
                      permissions: { a: number; d: number };
                      rank?: number;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { name: string; rank?: null | number };
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/servers/{target}/roles";
              response: {
                  id: string;
                  role: {
                      colour?: null | string;
                      hoist?: boolean;
                      name: string;
                      permissions: { a: number; d: number };
                      rank?: number;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: `/invites/${string}`;
                  | {
                      channels: (
                          | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              active: boolean;
                              channel_type: "DirectMessage";
                              last_message_id?: null | string;
                              recipients: string[];
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              channel_type: "Group";
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                              | string;
                                  | null
                                  | {
                                      _id: ...;
                                      content_type: ...;
                                      deleted?: ...;
                                      filename: ...;
                                      message_id?: ...;
                                      metadata: ...;
                                      object_id?: ...;
                                      reported?: ...;
                                      server_id?: ...;
                                      size: ...;
                                      tag: ...;
                                      user_id?: ...;
                              last_message_id?: null
                              | string;
                              name: string;
                              nsfw?: boolean;
                              owner: string;
                              permissions?: null | number;
                              recipients: string[];
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              channel_type: "TextChannel";
                              default_permissions?: null
                              | { a: ...; d: ... };
                              description?: null | string;
                                  | null
                                  | {
                                      _id: ...;
                                      content_type: ...;
                                      deleted?: ...;
                                      filename: ...;
                                      message_id?: ...;
                                      metadata: ...;
                                      object_id?: ...;
                                      reported?: ...;
                                      server_id?: ...;
                                      size: ...;
                                      tag: ...;
                                      user_id?: ...;
                              last_message_id?: null
                              | string;
                              name: string;
                              nsfw?: boolean;
                              role_permissions?: { [key: ...]: ... };
                              server: string;
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              channel_type: "VoiceChannel";
                              default_permissions?: null
                              | { a: ...; d: ... };
                              description?: null | string;
                                  | null
                                  | {
                                      _id: ...;
                                      content_type: ...;
                                      deleted?: ...;
                                      filename: ...;
                                      message_id?: ...;
                                      metadata: ...;
                                      object_id?: ...;
                                      reported?: ...;
                                      server_id?: ...;
                                      size: ...;
                                      tag: ...;
                                      user_id?: ...;
                              name: string;
                              nsfw?: boolean;
                              role_permissions?: { [key: ...]: ... };
                              server: string;
                      server: {
                          _id: string;
                          analytics?: boolean;
                          banner?: | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                          categories?: null
                          | { channels: (...)[]; id: string; title: string }[];
                          channels: string[];
                          default_permissions: number;
                          description?: null | string;
                          discoverable?: boolean;
                          flags?: number;
                              | null
                              | {
                                  _id: string;
                                  content_type: string;
                                  deleted?: null
                                  | boolean;
                                  filename: string;
                                  message_id?: null | string;
                                      | { type: ... }
                                      | { type: ... }
                                      | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                      | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                      | { type: ... };
                                  object_id?: null | string;
                                  reported?: null | boolean;
                                  server_id?: null | string;
                                  size: number;
                                  tag: string;
                                  user_id?: null | string;
                          name: string;
                          nsfw?: boolean;
                          owner: string;
                          roles?: {
                              [key: string]: {
                                  colour?: (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...);
                                  hoist?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  name: string;
                                  permissions: { a: ...; d: ... };
                                  rank?: (...) | (...);
                          system_messages?: | null
                          | {
                              user_banned?: null
                              | string;
                              user_joined?: null | string;
                              user_kicked?: null | string;
                              user_left?: null | string;
                      type: "Server";
                  | {
                      channel: | {
                          _id: string;
                          channel_type: "SavedMessages";
                          user: string;
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          active: boolean;
                          channel_type: "DirectMessage";
                          last_message_id?: null
                          | string;
                          recipients: string[];
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          channel_type: "Group";
                          description?: null
                          | string;
                              | null
                              | {
                                  _id: string;
                                  content_type: string;
                                  deleted?: (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...);
                                  filename: string;
                                  message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  size: number;
                                  tag: string;
                                  user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          last_message_id?: null
                          | string;
                          name: string;
                          nsfw?: boolean;
                          owner: string;
                          permissions?: null | number;
                          recipients: string[];
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          channel_type: "TextChannel";
                          default_permissions?: null
                          | { a: number; d: number };
                          description?: null | string;
                              | null
                              | {
                                  _id: string;
                                  content_type: string;
                                  deleted?: (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...);
                                  filename: string;
                                  message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  size: number;
                                  tag: string;
                                  user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          last_message_id?: null
                          | string;
                          name: string;
                          nsfw?: boolean;
                          role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: ...; d: ... } };
                          server: string;
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          channel_type: "VoiceChannel";
                          default_permissions?: null
                          | { a: number; d: number };
                          description?: null | string;
                              | null
                              | {
                                  _id: string;
                                  content_type: string;
                                  deleted?: (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...);
                                  filename: string;
                                  message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  size: number;
                                  tag: string;
                                  user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          name: string;
                          nsfw?: boolean;
                          role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: ...; d: ... } };
                          server: string;
                      type: "Group";
                      users: {
                          _id: string;
                          avatar?: | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...);
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                              object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                              server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          badges?: number;
                          bot?: null
                          | { owner: string };
                          discriminator: string;
                          display_name?: null | string;
                          flags?: number;
                          online: boolean;
                          privileged?: boolean;
                          relations?: { _id: ...; status: ... }[];
                              | "User"
                              | "None"
                              | "Friend"
                              | "Outgoing"
                              | "Incoming"
                              | "Blocked"
                              | "BlockedOther";
                          status?: | null
                          | {
                              presence?: (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...);
                              text?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          username: string;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: "-/invites/{target}";
                  | {
                      channels: (
                          | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              active: boolean;
                              channel_type: "DirectMessage";
                              last_message_id?: null | string;
                              recipients: string[];
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              channel_type: "Group";
                              description?: null
                              | string;
                                  | null
                                  | {
                                      _id: ...;
                                      content_type: ...;
                                      deleted?: ...;
                                      filename: ...;
                                      message_id?: ...;
                                      metadata: ...;
                                      object_id?: ...;
                                      reported?: ...;
                                      server_id?: ...;
                                      size: ...;
                                      tag: ...;
                                      user_id?: ...;
                              last_message_id?: null
                              | string;
                              name: string;
                              nsfw?: boolean;
                              owner: string;
                              permissions?: null | number;
                              recipients: string[];
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              channel_type: "TextChannel";
                              default_permissions?: null
                              | { a: ...; d: ... };
                              description?: null | string;
                                  | null
                                  | {
                                      _id: ...;
                                      content_type: ...;
                                      deleted?: ...;
                                      filename: ...;
                                      message_id?: ...;
                                      metadata: ...;
                                      object_id?: ...;
                                      reported?: ...;
                                      server_id?: ...;
                                      size: ...;
                                      tag: ...;
                                      user_id?: ...;
                              last_message_id?: null
                              | string;
                              name: string;
                              nsfw?: boolean;
                              role_permissions?: { [key: ...]: ... };
                              server: string;
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              channel_type: "VoiceChannel";
                              default_permissions?: null
                              | { a: ...; d: ... };
                              description?: null | string;
                                  | null
                                  | {
                                      _id: ...;
                                      content_type: ...;
                                      deleted?: ...;
                                      filename: ...;
                                      message_id?: ...;
                                      metadata: ...;
                                      object_id?: ...;
                                      reported?: ...;
                                      server_id?: ...;
                                      size: ...;
                                      tag: ...;
                                      user_id?: ...;
                              name: string;
                              nsfw?: boolean;
                              role_permissions?: { [key: ...]: ... };
                              server: string;
                      server: {
                          _id: string;
                          analytics?: boolean;
                          banner?: | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                          categories?: null
                          | { channels: (...)[]; id: string; title: string }[];
                          channels: string[];
                          default_permissions: number;
                          description?: null | string;
                          discoverable?: boolean;
                          flags?: number;
                              | null
                              | {
                                  _id: string;
                                  content_type: string;
                                  deleted?: null
                                  | boolean;
                                  filename: string;
                                  message_id?: null | string;
                                      | { type: ... }
                                      | { type: ... }
                                      | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                      | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                      | { type: ... };
                                  object_id?: null | string;
                                  reported?: null | boolean;
                                  server_id?: null | string;
                                  size: number;
                                  tag: string;
                                  user_id?: null | string;
                          name: string;
                          nsfw?: boolean;
                          owner: string;
                          roles?: {
                              [key: string]: {
                                  colour?: (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...);
                                  hoist?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  name: string;
                                  permissions: { a: ...; d: ... };
                                  rank?: (...) | (...);
                          system_messages?: | null
                          | {
                              user_banned?: null
                              | string;
                              user_joined?: null | string;
                              user_kicked?: null | string;
                              user_left?: null | string;
                      type: "Server";
                  | {
                      channel: | {
                          _id: string;
                          channel_type: "SavedMessages";
                          user: string;
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          active: boolean;
                          channel_type: "DirectMessage";
                          last_message_id?: null
                          | string;
                          recipients: string[];
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          channel_type: "Group";
                          description?: null
                          | string;
                              | null
                              | {
                                  _id: string;
                                  content_type: string;
                                  deleted?: (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...);
                                  filename: string;
                                  message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  size: number;
                                  tag: string;
                                  user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          last_message_id?: null
                          | string;
                          name: string;
                          nsfw?: boolean;
                          owner: string;
                          permissions?: null | number;
                          recipients: string[];
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          channel_type: "TextChannel";
                          default_permissions?: null
                          | { a: number; d: number };
                          description?: null | string;
                              | null
                              | {
                                  _id: string;
                                  content_type: string;
                                  deleted?: (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...);
                                  filename: string;
                                  message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  size: number;
                                  tag: string;
                                  user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          last_message_id?: null
                          | string;
                          name: string;
                          nsfw?: boolean;
                          role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: ...; d: ... } };
                          server: string;
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          channel_type: "VoiceChannel";
                          default_permissions?: null
                          | { a: number; d: number };
                          description?: null | string;
                              | null
                              | {
                                  _id: string;
                                  content_type: string;
                                  deleted?: (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...);
                                  filename: string;
                                  message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  size: number;
                                  tag: string;
                                  user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          name: string;
                          nsfw?: boolean;
                          role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: ...; d: ... } };
                          server: string;
                      type: "Group";
                      users: {
                          _id: string;
                          avatar?: | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...);
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                              object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                              server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          badges?: number;
                          bot?: null
                          | { owner: string };
                          discriminator: string;
                          display_name?: null | string;
                          flags?: number;
                          online: boolean;
                          privileged?: boolean;
                          relations?: { _id: ...; status: ... }[];
                              | "User"
                              | "None"
                              | "Friend"
                              | "Outgoing"
                              | "Incoming"
                              | "Blocked"
                              | "BlockedOther";
                          status?: | null
                          | {
                              presence?: (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...);
                              text?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          username: string;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: {
                  additional_context?: string;
                      | {
                          id: string;
                          report_reason: | "NoneSpecified"
                          | "Illegal"
                          | "IllegalGoods"
                          | "IllegalExtortion"
                          | "IllegalPornography"
                          | "IllegalHacking"
                          | "ExtremeViolence"
                          | "PromotesHarm"
                          | "UnsolicitedSpam"
                          | "Raid"
                          | "SpamAbuse"
                          | "ScamsFraud"
                          | "Malware"
                          | "Harassment";
                          type: "Message";
                      | {
                          id: string;
                          report_reason: | "NoneSpecified"
                          | "Illegal"
                          | "IllegalGoods"
                          | "IllegalExtortion"
                          | "IllegalPornography"
                          | "IllegalHacking"
                          | "ExtremeViolence"
                          | "PromotesHarm"
                          | "UnsolicitedSpam"
                          | "Raid"
                          | "SpamAbuse"
                          | "ScamsFraud"
                          | "Malware"
                          | "Harassment";
                          type: "Server";
                      | {
                          id: string;
                          message_id?: null
                          | string;
                              | "NoneSpecified"
                              | "UnsolicitedSpam"
                              | "SpamAbuse"
                              | "InappropriateProfile"
                              | "Impersonation"
                              | "BanEvasion"
                              | "Underage";
                          type: "User";
              parts: 2;
              path: "/safety/report";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: {
                  captcha?: null | string;
                  email: string;
                  invite?: null | string;
                  password: string;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/account/create";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { captcha?: null | string; email: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/account/reverify";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/account/delete";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/account/disable";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: `/auth/account/verify/${string}`;
              response: unknown;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/auth/account/verify/{code}";
              response: unknown;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { captcha?: null | string; email: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/account/reset_password";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
                  | { email: string; friendly_name?: null
                  | string; password: string }
                  | {
                      friendly_name?: null | string;
                          | null
                          | { password: string }
                          | { recovery_code: string }
                          | { totp_code: string };
                      mfa_ticket: string;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/session/login";
              response: | {
                  _id: string;
                  name: string;
                  result: "Success";
                  subscription?: null
                  | { auth: string; endpoint: string; p256dh: string };
                  token: string;
                  user_id: string;
              | {
                  allowed_methods: ("Password" | "Recovery" | "Totp")[];
                  result: "MFA";
                  ticket: string;
              | { result: "Disabled"; user_id: string };
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/session/logout";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/mfa/recovery";
              response: string[];
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/mfa/totp";
              response: { secret: string };
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { username: string };
              parts: 2;
              path: "/onboard/complete";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { auth: string; endpoint: string; p256dh: string };
              parts: 2;
              path: "/push/subscribe";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: "/push/unsubscribe";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { keys: string[] };
              parts: 3;
              path: "/sync/settings/fetch";
              response: { [key: string]: [number, string] };
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { timestamp?: null | number } | { [key: string]: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: "/sync/settings/set";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
      ) & { parts: Count<Path, "/">; path: Path }


    • path: Path


    • params: Route["params"]

      Body or Query Parameters

    • Optionalconfig: AxiosRequestConfig<any>

      Axios configuration

    Returns Promise<Route["response"]>

    Typed Response Data

  • Send HTTP POST request.

    Type Parameters

    • Path extends
          | "/auth/account/delete"
          | "/auth/mfa/totp"
          | `/invites/${string}`
          | "-/invites/{target}"
          | `/channels/${string}/invites`
          | "-/channels/{target}/invites"
          | `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}/pin`
          | "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}/pin"
          | `/channels/${string}/join_call`
          | "-/channels/{target}/join_call"
          | "/auth/account/disable"
          | `/auth/account/verify/${string}`
          | "-/auth/account/verify/{code}"
          | "/auth/session/logout"
          | "/auth/mfa/recovery"
          | "/push/unsubscribe"
    • Route extends (
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { username: string };
              parts: 2;
              path: "/users/friend";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
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          | {
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                  discoverable?: boolean;
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                  owner: string;
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                      badges?: number;
                      bot?: null
                      | { owner: string };
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                      online: boolean;
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              response: undefined;
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          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { server: string } | { group: string };
              parts: 3;
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          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
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                      _id: string;
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                      creator: string;
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                  | {
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                      channel: string;
                      creator: string;
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                          | string;
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                  | number;
                      | null
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                      | string[]; restrict_reactions?: boolean };
                      | null
                      | {
                          avatar?: null
                          | string;
                          colour?: null | string;
                          name?: null | string;
                  nonce?: null
                  | string;
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              path: `/channels/${string}/messages`;
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                  | {
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                  | string;
                  edited?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | (
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                              | string;
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                                  | null
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                                  | { type: ... }
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                                  | { content_type: ...; id: ...; type: ... }
                                  | { content_type: ...; id: ...; type: ... }
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { content_type: ...; id: ...; type: ... }
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                                      server_id?: ...;
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                              | string;
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                          | { type: "None" }
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                  | {
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                      | string;
                      colour?: null | string;
                      name?: null | string;
                  member?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                          | null
                          | {
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                              | boolean;
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                                  | { type: ... }
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                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
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                      | string;
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                  mentions?: null
                  | string[];
                  nonce?: null | string;
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                  replies?: null | string[];
                      | null
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                      | { id: string; type: "user_joined" }
                      | { id: string; type: "user_left" }
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                      | null
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                          | {
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                              | boolean;
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                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
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                          | "None"
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                          | "BlockedOther";
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                          | {
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                              | "Busy"
                              | "Invisible";
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                              | string;
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                          | string;
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                  | number;
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                      | string[]; restrict_reactions?: boolean };
                      | null
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                          | string;
                          colour?: null | string;
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                  | string;
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                  | {
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                      content_type: string;
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                  author: string;
                  channel: string;
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                  | string;
                  edited?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | (
                          | {
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                              | string;
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                                  | null
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                                  | { type: ... }
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                                  | { content_type: ...; id: ...; type: ... }
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                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { content_type: ...; id: ...; type: ... }
                                  | { album_id: ...; track_id?: ...; type: ... }
                                  | { id: ...; type: ... };
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                  | {
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                      | string;
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                      name?: null | string;
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                          | {
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                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
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                      | string;
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                  mentions?: null
                  | string[];
                  nonce?: null | string;
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                      | null
                      | { content: string; type: "text" }
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                      | null
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                          | {
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                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
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                              size: number;
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                              user_id?: null | string;
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                          | { owner: string };
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                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                          status?: | null
                          | {
                              presence?: | null
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                              | "Idle"
                              | "Focus"
                              | "Busy"
                              | "Invisible";
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                              | string;
                          username: string;
                  webhook?: null
                  | { avatar?: null | string; name: string };
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          | {
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                  before?: null | string;
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                  limit?: null | number;
                  pinned?: null | boolean;
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                  sort?: "Relevance" | "Latest" | "Oldest";
              parts: 3;
              path: `/channels/${string}/search`;
              response: | {
                  _id: string;
                  attachments?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      content_type: string;
                      deleted?: (...)
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                      | (...)
                      | (...);
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                      metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                      object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                      server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      size: number;
                      tag: string;
                      user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                  author: string;
                  channel: string;
                  content?: null
                  | string;
                  edited?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | (
                          | {
                              colour?: ...;
                              description?: ...;
                              icon_url?: ...;
                              image?: ...;
                              original_url?: ...;
                              site_name?: ...;
                              special?: ...;
                              title?: ...;
                              type: ...;
                              url?: ...;
                              video?: ...;
                          | { height: ...; size: ...; type: ...; url: ...; width: ... }
                          | { height: ...; type: ...; url: ...; width: ... }
                          | {
                              colour?: ...;
                              description?: ...;
                              icon_url?: ...;
                              media?: ...;
                              title?: ...;
                              type: ...;
                              url?: ...;
                          | { type: ... }
                  flags?: number;
                  interactions?: {
                      reactions?: null | (...)[];
                      restrict_reactions?: boolean;
                  masquerade?: | null
                  | {
                      avatar?: null
                      | string;
                      colour?: null | string;
                      name?: null | string;
                  member?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: ...;
                              content_type: ...;
                              deleted?: ...;
                              filename: ...;
                              message_id?: ...;
                              metadata: ...;
                              object_id?: ...;
                              reported?: ...;
                              server_id?: ...;
                              size: ...;
                              tag: ...;
                              user_id?: ...;
                      joined_at: string;
                      nickname?: null
                      | string;
                      roles?: (...)[];
                      timeout?: null | string;
                  mentions?: null
                  | string[];
                  nonce?: null | string;
                  pinned?: null | boolean;
                  reactions?: { [key: string]: string[] };
                  replies?: null | string[];
                      | null
                      | { content: string; type: "text" }
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                      | { by: string; id: string; type: "user_remove" }
                      | { id: string; type: "user_joined" }
                      | { id: string; type: "user_left" }
                      | { id: string; type: "user_kicked" }
                      | { id: string; type: "user_banned" }
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                      | { by: string; type: "channel_description_changed" }
                      | { by: string; type: "channel_icon_changed" }
                      | { from: string; to: string; type: "channel_ownership_changed" }
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                      | { by: string; id: string; type: "message_unpinned" };
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          avatar?: | null
                          | {
                              _id: ...;
                              content_type: ...;
                              deleted?: ...;
                              filename: ...;
                              message_id?: ...;
                              metadata: ...;
                              object_id?: ...;
                              reported?: ...;
                              server_id?: ...;
                              size: ...;
                              tag: ...;
                              user_id?: ...;
                          badges?: number;
                          bot?: null
                          | { owner: ... };
                          discriminator: string;
                          display_name?: null | string;
                          flags?: number;
                          online: boolean;
                          privileged?: boolean;
                          relations?: (...)[];
                              | "User"
                              | "None"
                              | "Friend"
                              | "Outgoing"
                              | "Incoming"
                              | "Blocked"
                              | "BlockedOther";
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                          | { presence?: ...; text?: ... };
                          username: string;
                  webhook?: null
                  | { avatar?: null | string; name: string };
              | {
                  members?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: ...;
                              content_type: ...;
                              deleted?: ...;
                              filename: ...;
                              message_id?: ...;
                              metadata: ...;
                              object_id?: ...;
                              reported?: ...;
                              server_id?: ...;
                              size: ...;
                              tag: ...;
                              user_id?: ...;
                      joined_at: string;
                      nickname?: null
                      | string;
                      roles?: (...)[];
                      timeout?: null | string;
                  messages: {
                      _id: string;
                      attachments?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: ...;
                          content_type: ...;
                          deleted?: ...;
                          filename: ...;
                          message_id?: ...;
                          metadata: ...;
                          object_id?: ...;
                          reported?: ...;
                          server_id?: ...;
                          size: ...;
                          tag: ...;
                          user_id?: ...;
                      author: string;
                      channel: string;
                      content?: null
                      | string;
                      edited?: null | string;
                      embeds?: null | ((...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...))[];
                      flags?: number;
                      interactions?: {
                          reactions?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          restrict_reactions?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      masquerade?: | null
                      | {
                          avatar?: (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...);
                          colour?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      member?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: { server: ...; user: ... };
                          avatar?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          joined_at: string;
                          nickname?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          roles?: (...) | (...);
                          timeout?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      mentions?: null
                      | string[];
                      nonce?: null | string;
                      pinned?: null | boolean;
                      reactions?: { [key: string]: (...)[] };
                      replies?: null | string[];
                          | null
                          | { content: string; type: "text" }
                          | { by: string; id: string; type: "user_added" }
                          | { by: string; id: string; type: "user_remove" }
                          | { id: string; type: "user_joined" }
                          | { id: string; type: "user_left" }
                          | { id: string; type: "user_kicked" }
                          | { id: string; type: "user_banned" }
                          | { by: string; name: string; type: "channel_renamed" }
                          | { by: string; type: "channel_description_changed" }
                          | { by: string; type: "channel_icon_changed" }
                          | { from: string; to: string; type: "channel_ownership_changed" }
                          | { by: string; id: string; type: "message_pinned" }
                          | { by: string; id: string; type: "message_unpinned" };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              avatar?: (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...);
                              badges?: (...) | (...);
                              bot?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              discriminator: string;
                              display_name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              flags?: (...) | (...);
                              online: boolean;
                              privileged?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              relations?: (...) | (...);
                              relationship: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                              status?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              username: string;
                      webhook?: null
                      | { avatar?: (...) | (...) | (...); name: string };
                  users: {
                      _id: string;
                      avatar?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...);
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                          object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                          server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      badges?: number;
                      bot?: null
                      | { owner: string };
                      discriminator: string;
                      display_name?: null | string;
                      flags?: number;
                      online: boolean;
                      privileged?: boolean;
                      relations?: { _id: ...; status: ... }[];
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                      status?: | null
                      | {
                          presence?: (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...);
                          text?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      username: string;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: {
                  after?: null | string;
                  before?: null | string;
                  include_users?: null | boolean;
                  limit?: null | number;
                  pinned?: null | boolean;
                  query?: null | string;
                  sort?: "Relevance" | "Latest" | "Oldest";
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/search";
              response: | {
                  _id: string;
                  attachments?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      content_type: string;
                      deleted?: (...)
                      | (...)
                      | (...)
                      | (...);
                      filename: string;
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                      metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                      object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                      server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      size: number;
                      tag: string;
                      user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                  author: string;
                  channel: string;
                  content?: null
                  | string;
                  edited?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | (
                          | {
                              colour?: ...;
                              description?: ...;
                              icon_url?: ...;
                              image?: ...;
                              original_url?: ...;
                              site_name?: ...;
                              special?: ...;
                              title?: ...;
                              type: ...;
                              url?: ...;
                              video?: ...;
                          | { height: ...; size: ...; type: ...; url: ...; width: ... }
                          | { height: ...; type: ...; url: ...; width: ... }
                          | {
                              colour?: ...;
                              description?: ...;
                              icon_url?: ...;
                              media?: ...;
                              title?: ...;
                              type: ...;
                              url?: ...;
                          | { type: ... }
                  flags?: number;
                  interactions?: {
                      reactions?: null | (...)[];
                      restrict_reactions?: boolean;
                  masquerade?: | null
                  | {
                      avatar?: null
                      | string;
                      colour?: null | string;
                      name?: null | string;
                  member?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: ...;
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                              object_id?: ...;
                              reported?: ...;
                              server_id?: ...;
                              size: ...;
                              tag: ...;
                              user_id?: ...;
                      joined_at: string;
                      nickname?: null
                      | string;
                      roles?: (...)[];
                      timeout?: null | string;
                  mentions?: null
                  | string[];
                  nonce?: null | string;
                  pinned?: null | boolean;
                  reactions?: { [key: string]: string[] };
                  replies?: null | string[];
                      | null
                      | { content: string; type: "text" }
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                      | { id: string; type: "user_banned" }
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                      | { by: string; type: "channel_description_changed" }
                      | { by: string; type: "channel_icon_changed" }
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                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
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                          | {
                              _id: ...;
                              content_type: ...;
                              deleted?: ...;
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                              message_id?: ...;
                              metadata: ...;
                              object_id?: ...;
                              reported?: ...;
                              server_id?: ...;
                              size: ...;
                              tag: ...;
                              user_id?: ...;
                          badges?: number;
                          bot?: null
                          | { owner: ... };
                          discriminator: string;
                          display_name?: null | string;
                          flags?: number;
                          online: boolean;
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                              | "User"
                              | "None"
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                              | "Incoming"
                              | "Blocked"
                              | "BlockedOther";
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                          | { presence?: ...; text?: ... };
                          username: string;
                  webhook?: null
                  | { avatar?: null | string; name: string };
              | {
                  members?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: { server: string; user: string };
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: ...;
                              content_type: ...;
                              deleted?: ...;
                              filename: ...;
                              message_id?: ...;
                              metadata: ...;
                              object_id?: ...;
                              reported?: ...;
                              server_id?: ...;
                              size: ...;
                              tag: ...;
                              user_id?: ...;
                      joined_at: string;
                      nickname?: null
                      | string;
                      roles?: (...)[];
                      timeout?: null | string;
                  messages: {
                      _id: string;
                      attachments?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: ...;
                          content_type: ...;
                          deleted?: ...;
                          filename: ...;
                          message_id?: ...;
                          metadata: ...;
                          object_id?: ...;
                          reported?: ...;
                          server_id?: ...;
                          size: ...;
                          tag: ...;
                          user_id?: ...;
                      author: string;
                      channel: string;
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                      | string;
                      edited?: null | string;
                      embeds?: null | ((...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...))[];
                      flags?: number;
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                          reactions?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          restrict_reactions?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      masquerade?: | null
                      | {
                          avatar?: (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...);
                          colour?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      member?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: { server: ...; user: ... };
                          avatar?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          joined_at: string;
                          nickname?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          roles?: (...) | (...);
                          timeout?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      mentions?: null
                      | string[];
                      nonce?: null | string;
                      pinned?: null | boolean;
                      reactions?: { [key: string]: (...)[] };
                      replies?: null | string[];
                          | null
                          | { content: string; type: "text" }
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                          | { by: string; id: string; type: "user_remove" }
                          | { id: string; type: "user_joined" }
                          | { id: string; type: "user_left" }
                          | { id: string; type: "user_kicked" }
                          | { id: string; type: "user_banned" }
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                          | { by: string; type: "channel_description_changed" }
                          | { by: string; type: "channel_icon_changed" }
                          | { from: string; to: string; type: "channel_ownership_changed" }
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                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              avatar?: (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...);
                              badges?: (...) | (...);
                              bot?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              discriminator: string;
                              display_name?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              flags?: (...) | (...);
                              online: boolean;
                              privileged?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              relations?: (...) | (...);
                              relationship: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                              status?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              username: string;
                      webhook?: null
                      | { avatar?: (...) | (...) | (...); name: string };
                  users: {
                      _id: string;
                      avatar?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...);
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                          object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                          server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      badges?: number;
                      bot?: null
                      | { owner: string };
                      discriminator: string;
                      display_name?: null | string;
                      flags?: number;
                      online: boolean;
                      privileged?: boolean;
                      relations?: { _id: ...; status: ... }[];
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                      status?: | null
                      | {
                          presence?: (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...)
                          | (...);
                          text?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                      username: string;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 5;
              path: `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}/pin`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 5;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}/pin";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: {
                  description?: null | string;
                  icon?: null | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: null | boolean;
                  users?: string[];
              parts: 2;
              path: "/channels/create";
              response: | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  active: boolean;
                  channel_type: "DirectMessage";
                  last_message_id?: null | string;
                  recipients: string[];
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  channel_type: "Group";
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                  | string;
                      | null
                      | {
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                          | boolean;
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                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
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                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  last_message_id?: null
                  | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  owner: string;
                  permissions?: null | number;
                  recipients: string[];
              | {
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                  | { a: number; d: number };
                  description?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
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                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
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                          server_id?: null | string;
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                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  last_message_id?: null
                  | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
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              | {
                  _id: string;
                  channel_type: "VoiceChannel";
                  default_permissions?: null
                  | { a: number; d: number };
                  description?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
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                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
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                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
                  server: string;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/channels/${string}/join_call`;
              response: { token: string };
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/join_call";
              response: { token: string };
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { avatar?: null | string; name: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: `/channels/${string}/webhooks`;
              response: {
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
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                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  channel_id: string;
                  creator_id: string;
                  id: string;
                  name: string;
                  permissions: number;
                  token?: null
                  | string;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { avatar?: null | string; name: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/webhooks";
              response: {
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
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                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
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                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  channel_id: string;
                  creator_id: string;
                  id: string;
                  name: string;
                  permissions: number;
                  token?: null
                  | string;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: {
                  description?: null | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: null | boolean;
              parts: 2;
              path: "/servers/create";
              response: {
                  channels: (
                      | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          active: boolean;
                          channel_type: "DirectMessage";
                          last_message_id?: null | string;
                          recipients: string[];
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          channel_type: "Group";
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                          | string;
                              | null
                              | {
                                  _id: string;
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                                  deleted?: (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...);
                                  filename: string;
                                  message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  size: number;
                                  tag: string;
                                  user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          last_message_id?: null
                          | string;
                          name: string;
                          nsfw?: boolean;
                          owner: string;
                          permissions?: null | number;
                          recipients: string[];
                      | {
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                          channel_type: "TextChannel";
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                          | { a: number; d: number };
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                              | null
                              | {
                                  _id: string;
                                  content_type: string;
                                  deleted?: (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...);
                                  filename: string;
                                  message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  size: number;
                                  tag: string;
                                  user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          last_message_id?: null
                          | string;
                          name: string;
                          nsfw?: boolean;
                          role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: ...; d: ... } };
                          server: string;
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          channel_type: "VoiceChannel";
                          default_permissions?: null
                          | { a: number; d: number };
                          description?: null | string;
                              | null
                              | {
                                  _id: string;
                                  content_type: string;
                                  deleted?: (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...);
                                  filename: string;
                                  message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  size: number;
                                  tag: string;
                                  user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          name: string;
                          nsfw?: boolean;
                          role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: ...; d: ... } };
                          server: string;
                  server: {
                      _id: string;
                      analytics?: boolean;
                      banner?: | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
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                              | { type: "Text" }
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                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
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                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                      categories?: null
                      | { channels: string[]; id: string; title: string }[];
                      channels: string[];
                      default_permissions: number;
                      description?: null | string;
                      discoverable?: boolean;
                      flags?: number;
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
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                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
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                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      name: string;
                      nsfw?: boolean;
                      owner: string;
                      roles?: {
                          [key: string]: {
                              colour?: null
                              | string;
                              hoist?: boolean;
                              name: string;
                              permissions: { a: number; d: number };
                              rank?: number;
                      system_messages?: | null
                      | {
                          user_banned?: null
                          | string;
                          user_joined?: null | string;
                          user_kicked?: null | string;
                          user_left?: null | string;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: {
                  description?: null | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: null | boolean;
                  type?: "Text" | "Voice";
              parts: 3;
              path: `/servers/${string}/channels`;
              response: | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  active: boolean;
                  channel_type: "DirectMessage";
                  last_message_id?: null | string;
                  recipients: string[];
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  channel_type: "Group";
                  description?: null
                  | string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
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                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
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                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  last_message_id?: null
                  | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  owner: string;
                  permissions?: null | number;
                  recipients: string[];
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  channel_type: "TextChannel";
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                  | { a: number; d: number };
                  description?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
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                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
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                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  last_message_id?: null
                  | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
                  server: string;
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  channel_type: "VoiceChannel";
                  default_permissions?: null
                  | { a: number; d: number };
                  description?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
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                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
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                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
                  server: string;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: {
                  description?: null | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: null | boolean;
                  type?: "Text" | "Voice";
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/servers/{server}/channels";
              response: | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  active: boolean;
                  channel_type: "DirectMessage";
                  last_message_id?: null | string;
                  recipients: string[];
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  channel_type: "Group";
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                  | string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
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                          | boolean;
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                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  last_message_id?: null
                  | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  owner: string;
                  permissions?: null | number;
                  recipients: string[];
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  channel_type: "TextChannel";
                  default_permissions?: null
                  | { a: number; d: number };
                  description?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
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                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
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                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  last_message_id?: null
                  | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
                  server: string;
              | {
                  _id: string;
                  channel_type: "VoiceChannel";
                  default_permissions?: null
                  | { a: number; d: number };
                  description?: null | string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
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                              | { type: "Text" }
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                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
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                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
                  server: string;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { name: string; rank?: null | number };
              parts: 3;
              path: `/servers/${string}/roles`;
              response: {
                  id: string;
                  role: {
                      colour?: null | string;
                      hoist?: boolean;
                      name: string;
                      permissions: { a: number; d: number };
                      rank?: number;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { name: string; rank?: null | number };
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/servers/{target}/roles";
              response: {
                  id: string;
                  role: {
                      colour?: null | string;
                      hoist?: boolean;
                      name: string;
                      permissions: { a: number; d: number };
                      rank?: number;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: `/invites/${string}`;
                  | {
                      channels: (
                          | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              active: boolean;
                              channel_type: "DirectMessage";
                              last_message_id?: null | string;
                              recipients: string[];
                          | {
                              _id: string;
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                              | string;
                                  | null
                                  | {
                                      _id: ...;
                                      content_type: ...;
                                      deleted?: ...;
                                      filename: ...;
                                      message_id?: ...;
                                      metadata: ...;
                                      object_id?: ...;
                                      reported?: ...;
                                      server_id?: ...;
                                      size: ...;
                                      tag: ...;
                                      user_id?: ...;
                              last_message_id?: null
                              | string;
                              name: string;
                              nsfw?: boolean;
                              owner: string;
                              permissions?: null | number;
                              recipients: string[];
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              channel_type: "TextChannel";
                              default_permissions?: null
                              | { a: ...; d: ... };
                              description?: null | string;
                                  | null
                                  | {
                                      _id: ...;
                                      content_type: ...;
                                      deleted?: ...;
                                      filename: ...;
                                      message_id?: ...;
                                      metadata: ...;
                                      object_id?: ...;
                                      reported?: ...;
                                      server_id?: ...;
                                      size: ...;
                                      tag: ...;
                                      user_id?: ...;
                              last_message_id?: null
                              | string;
                              name: string;
                              nsfw?: boolean;
                              role_permissions?: { [key: ...]: ... };
                              server: string;
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              channel_type: "VoiceChannel";
                              default_permissions?: null
                              | { a: ...; d: ... };
                              description?: null | string;
                                  | null
                                  | {
                                      _id: ...;
                                      content_type: ...;
                                      deleted?: ...;
                                      filename: ...;
                                      message_id?: ...;
                                      metadata: ...;
                                      object_id?: ...;
                                      reported?: ...;
                                      server_id?: ...;
                                      size: ...;
                                      tag: ...;
                                      user_id?: ...;
                              name: string;
                              nsfw?: boolean;
                              role_permissions?: { [key: ...]: ... };
                              server: string;
                      server: {
                          _id: string;
                          analytics?: boolean;
                          banner?: | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                          categories?: null
                          | { channels: (...)[]; id: string; title: string }[];
                          channels: string[];
                          default_permissions: number;
                          description?: null | string;
                          discoverable?: boolean;
                          flags?: number;
                              | null
                              | {
                                  _id: string;
                                  content_type: string;
                                  deleted?: null
                                  | boolean;
                                  filename: string;
                                  message_id?: null | string;
                                      | { type: ... }
                                      | { type: ... }
                                      | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                      | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                      | { type: ... };
                                  object_id?: null | string;
                                  reported?: null | boolean;
                                  server_id?: null | string;
                                  size: number;
                                  tag: string;
                                  user_id?: null | string;
                          name: string;
                          nsfw?: boolean;
                          owner: string;
                          roles?: {
                              [key: string]: {
                                  colour?: (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...);
                                  hoist?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  name: string;
                                  permissions: { a: ...; d: ... };
                                  rank?: (...) | (...);
                          system_messages?: | null
                          | {
                              user_banned?: null
                              | string;
                              user_joined?: null | string;
                              user_kicked?: null | string;
                              user_left?: null | string;
                      type: "Server";
                  | {
                      channel: | {
                          _id: string;
                          channel_type: "SavedMessages";
                          user: string;
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          active: boolean;
                          channel_type: "DirectMessage";
                          last_message_id?: null
                          | string;
                          recipients: string[];
                      | {
                          _id: string;
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                          | string;
                              | null
                              | {
                                  _id: string;
                                  content_type: string;
                                  deleted?: (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...);
                                  filename: string;
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                                  metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  size: number;
                                  tag: string;
                                  user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          last_message_id?: null
                          | string;
                          name: string;
                          nsfw?: boolean;
                          owner: string;
                          permissions?: null | number;
                          recipients: string[];
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          channel_type: "TextChannel";
                          default_permissions?: null
                          | { a: number; d: number };
                          description?: null | string;
                              | null
                              | {
                                  _id: string;
                                  content_type: string;
                                  deleted?: (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...);
                                  filename: string;
                                  message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  size: number;
                                  tag: string;
                                  user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          last_message_id?: null
                          | string;
                          name: string;
                          nsfw?: boolean;
                          role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: ...; d: ... } };
                          server: string;
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          channel_type: "VoiceChannel";
                          default_permissions?: null
                          | { a: number; d: number };
                          description?: null | string;
                              | null
                              | {
                                  _id: string;
                                  content_type: string;
                                  deleted?: (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...);
                                  filename: string;
                                  message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  size: number;
                                  tag: string;
                                  user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          name: string;
                          nsfw?: boolean;
                          role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: ...; d: ... } };
                          server: string;
                      type: "Group";
                      users: {
                          _id: string;
                          avatar?: | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...);
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                              object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                              server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          badges?: number;
                          bot?: null
                          | { owner: string };
                          discriminator: string;
                          display_name?: null | string;
                          flags?: number;
                          online: boolean;
                          privileged?: boolean;
                          relations?: { _id: ...; status: ... }[];
                              | "User"
                              | "None"
                              | "Friend"
                              | "Outgoing"
                              | "Incoming"
                              | "Blocked"
                              | "BlockedOther";
                          status?: | null
                          | {
                              presence?: (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...);
                              text?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          username: string;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: "-/invites/{target}";
                  | {
                      channels: (
                          | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              active: boolean;
                              channel_type: "DirectMessage";
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                              recipients: string[];
                          | {
                              _id: string;
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                              | string;
                                  | null
                                  | {
                                      _id: ...;
                                      content_type: ...;
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                                      filename: ...;
                                      message_id?: ...;
                                      metadata: ...;
                                      object_id?: ...;
                                      reported?: ...;
                                      server_id?: ...;
                                      size: ...;
                                      tag: ...;
                                      user_id?: ...;
                              last_message_id?: null
                              | string;
                              name: string;
                              nsfw?: boolean;
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                          | {
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                              | { a: ...; d: ... };
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                                  | null
                                  | {
                                      _id: ...;
                                      content_type: ...;
                                      deleted?: ...;
                                      filename: ...;
                                      message_id?: ...;
                                      metadata: ...;
                                      object_id?: ...;
                                      reported?: ...;
                                      server_id?: ...;
                                      size: ...;
                                      tag: ...;
                                      user_id?: ...;
                              last_message_id?: null
                              | string;
                              name: string;
                              nsfw?: boolean;
                              role_permissions?: { [key: ...]: ... };
                              server: string;
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              channel_type: "VoiceChannel";
                              default_permissions?: null
                              | { a: ...; d: ... };
                              description?: null | string;
                                  | null
                                  | {
                                      _id: ...;
                                      content_type: ...;
                                      deleted?: ...;
                                      filename: ...;
                                      message_id?: ...;
                                      metadata: ...;
                                      object_id?: ...;
                                      reported?: ...;
                                      server_id?: ...;
                                      size: ...;
                                      tag: ...;
                                      user_id?: ...;
                              name: string;
                              nsfw?: boolean;
                              role_permissions?: { [key: ...]: ... };
                              server: string;
                      server: {
                          _id: string;
                          analytics?: boolean;
                          banner?: | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { type: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                  | { type: ... };
                              object_id?: null | string;
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                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                          categories?: null
                          | { channels: (...)[]; id: string; title: string }[];
                          channels: string[];
                          default_permissions: number;
                          description?: null | string;
                          discoverable?: boolean;
                          flags?: number;
                              | null
                              | {
                                  _id: string;
                                  content_type: string;
                                  deleted?: null
                                  | boolean;
                                  filename: string;
                                  message_id?: null | string;
                                      | { type: ... }
                                      | { type: ... }
                                      | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                      | { height: ...; type: ...; width: ... }
                                      | { type: ... };
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                                  server_id?: null | string;
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                                  tag: string;
                                  user_id?: null | string;
                          name: string;
                          nsfw?: boolean;
                          owner: string;
                          roles?: {
                              [key: string]: {
                                  colour?: (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...);
                                  hoist?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  name: string;
                                  permissions: { a: ...; d: ... };
                                  rank?: (...) | (...);
                          system_messages?: | null
                          | {
                              user_banned?: null
                              | string;
                              user_joined?: null | string;
                              user_kicked?: null | string;
                              user_left?: null | string;
                      type: "Server";
                  | {
                      channel: | {
                          _id: string;
                          channel_type: "SavedMessages";
                          user: string;
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          active: boolean;
                          channel_type: "DirectMessage";
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                          | string;
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                      | {
                          _id: string;
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                          | string;
                              | null
                              | {
                                  _id: string;
                                  content_type: string;
                                  deleted?: (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...);
                                  filename: string;
                                  message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
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                                  tag: string;
                                  user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          last_message_id?: null
                          | string;
                          name: string;
                          nsfw?: boolean;
                          owner: string;
                          permissions?: null | number;
                          recipients: string[];
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          channel_type: "TextChannel";
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                          | { a: number; d: number };
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                              | null
                              | {
                                  _id: string;
                                  content_type: string;
                                  deleted?: (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...);
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                                  message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  size: number;
                                  tag: string;
                                  user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          last_message_id?: null
                          | string;
                          name: string;
                          nsfw?: boolean;
                          role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: ...; d: ... } };
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                      | {
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                          | { a: number; d: number };
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                              | null
                              | {
                                  _id: string;
                                  content_type: string;
                                  deleted?: (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...)
                                  | (...);
                                  filename: string;
                                  message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                                  server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
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                                  tag: string;
                                  user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          name: string;
                          nsfw?: boolean;
                          role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: ...; d: ... } };
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                      type: "Group";
                      users: {
                          _id: string;
                          avatar?: | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...);
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              metadata: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                              object_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              reported?: (...) | (...) | (...) | (...);
                              server_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          badges?: number;
                          bot?: null
                          | { owner: string };
                          discriminator: string;
                          display_name?: null | string;
                          flags?: number;
                          online: boolean;
                          privileged?: boolean;
                          relations?: { _id: ...; status: ... }[];
                              | "User"
                              | "None"
                              | "Friend"
                              | "Outgoing"
                              | "Incoming"
                              | "Blocked"
                              | "BlockedOther";
                          status?: | null
                          | {
                              presence?: (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...)
                              | (...);
                              text?: (...) | (...) | (...);
                          username: string;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: {
                  additional_context?: string;
                      | {
                          id: string;
                          report_reason: | "NoneSpecified"
                          | "Illegal"
                          | "IllegalGoods"
                          | "IllegalExtortion"
                          | "IllegalPornography"
                          | "IllegalHacking"
                          | "ExtremeViolence"
                          | "PromotesHarm"
                          | "UnsolicitedSpam"
                          | "Raid"
                          | "SpamAbuse"
                          | "ScamsFraud"
                          | "Malware"
                          | "Harassment";
                          type: "Message";
                      | {
                          id: string;
                          report_reason: | "NoneSpecified"
                          | "Illegal"
                          | "IllegalGoods"
                          | "IllegalExtortion"
                          | "IllegalPornography"
                          | "IllegalHacking"
                          | "ExtremeViolence"
                          | "PromotesHarm"
                          | "UnsolicitedSpam"
                          | "Raid"
                          | "SpamAbuse"
                          | "ScamsFraud"
                          | "Malware"
                          | "Harassment";
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                      | {
                          id: string;
                          message_id?: null
                          | string;
                              | "NoneSpecified"
                              | "UnsolicitedSpam"
                              | "SpamAbuse"
                              | "InappropriateProfile"
                              | "Impersonation"
                              | "BanEvasion"
                              | "Underage";
                          type: "User";
              parts: 2;
              path: "/safety/report";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: {
                  captcha?: null | string;
                  email: string;
                  invite?: null | string;
                  password: string;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/account/create";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { captcha?: null | string; email: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/account/reverify";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/account/delete";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/account/disable";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: `/auth/account/verify/${string}`;
              response: unknown;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/auth/account/verify/{code}";
              response: unknown;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { captcha?: null | string; email: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/account/reset_password";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
                  | { email: string; friendly_name?: null
                  | string; password: string }
                  | {
                      friendly_name?: null | string;
                          | null
                          | { password: string }
                          | { recovery_code: string }
                          | { totp_code: string };
                      mfa_ticket: string;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/session/login";
              response: | {
                  _id: string;
                  name: string;
                  result: "Success";
                  subscription?: null
                  | { auth: string; endpoint: string; p256dh: string };
                  token: string;
                  user_id: string;
              | {
                  allowed_methods: ("Password" | "Recovery" | "Totp")[];
                  result: "MFA";
                  ticket: string;
              | { result: "Disabled"; user_id: string };
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/session/logout";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/mfa/recovery";
              response: string[];
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/mfa/totp";
              response: { secret: string };
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { username: string };
              parts: 2;
              path: "/onboard/complete";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { auth: string; endpoint: string; p256dh: string };
              parts: 2;
              path: "/push/subscribe";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 2;
              path: "/push/unsubscribe";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { keys: string[] };
              parts: 3;
              path: "/sync/settings/fetch";
              response: { [key: string]: [number, string] };
          } & { method: "post" }
          | {
              method: "post";
              params: { timestamp?: null | number } | { [key: string]: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: "/sync/settings/set";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "post" }
          | never
      ) & { parts: Count<Path, "/">; path: Path }


    Returns Promise<Route["response"]>

    Typed Response Data

  • Send HTTP PUT request.

    Type Parameters

    • Path extends
          | "/auth/account/delete"
          | "/auth/mfa/ticket"
          | "/auth/mfa/totp"
          | `/custom/emoji/${string}`
          | `/users/${string}/friend`
          | "-/users/{target}/friend"
          | `/users/${string}/block`
          | "-/users/{target}/block"
          | `/channels/${string}/ack/${string}`
          | "-/channels/{target}/ack/{message}"
          | `/channels/${string}/recipients/${string}`
          | "-/channels/{group_id}/recipients/{member_id}"
          | `/channels/${string}/permissions/${string}`
          | "-/channels/{target}/permissions/{role_id}"
          | `/channels/${string}/permissions/default`
          | "-/channels/{target}/permissions/default"
          | `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}/reactions/${string}`
          | "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}/reactions/{emoji}"
          | `/servers/${string}/ack`
          | "-/servers/{target}/ack"
          | `/servers/${string}/bans/${string}`
          | "-/servers/{server}/bans/{target}"
          | `/servers/${string}/permissions/${string}`
          | "-/servers/{target}/permissions/{role_id}"
          | `/servers/${string}/permissions/default`
          | "-/servers/{target}/permissions/default"
          | "-/custom/emoji/{id}"
    • Route extends (
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/users/${string}/friend`;
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  avatar?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      content_type: string;
                      deleted?: null
                      | boolean;
                      filename: string;
                      message_id?: null | string;
                          | { type: "File" }
                          | { type: "Text" }
                          | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                          | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                          | { type: "Audio" };
                      object_id?: null | string;
                      reported?: null | boolean;
                      server_id?: null | string;
                      size: number;
                      tag: string;
                      user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/users/{target}/friend";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/users/${string}/block`;
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/users/{target}/block";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: `/channels/${string}/ack/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/ack/{message}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: `/channels/${string}/recipients/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/channels/{group_id}/recipients/{member_id}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: { permissions: { allow: number; deny: number } };
              parts: 4;
              path: `/channels/${string}/permissions/${string}`;
                  | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      active: boolean;
                      channel_type: "DirectMessage";
                      last_message_id?: null | string;
                      recipients: string[];
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      channel_type: "Group";
                      description?: null
                      | string;
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: "File" }
                                  | { type: "Text" }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
                      name: string;
                      nsfw?: boolean;
                      owner: string;
                      permissions?: null | number;
                      recipients: string[];
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      channel_type: "TextChannel";
                      default_permissions?: null
                      | { a: number; d: number };
                      description?: null | string;
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: "File" }
                                  | { type: "Text" }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
                      name: string;
                      nsfw?: boolean;
                      role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
                      server: string;
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      channel_type: "VoiceChannel";
                      default_permissions?: null
                      | { a: number; d: number };
                      description?: null | string;
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: "File" }
                                  | { type: "Text" }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      name: string;
                      nsfw?: boolean;
                      role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
                      server: string;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: { permissions: { allow: number; deny: number } };
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/permissions/{role_id}";
                  | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      active: boolean;
                      channel_type: "DirectMessage";
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                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
                      name: string;
                      nsfw?: boolean;
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                          | null
                          | {
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                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
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                      | null
                      | {
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                          | string;
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          | never
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          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
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          | never
          | never
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          | never
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          | never
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              method: "put";
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          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
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          | never
          | never
          | never
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                      | null
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                          | string;
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                      | null
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                          | string;
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                          | string;
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                          | string;
                          hoist?: boolean;
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                          permissions: { a: number; d: number };
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                  | {
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                      | string;
                      user_joined?: null | string;
                      user_kicked?: null | string;
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              path: `/custom/emoji/${string}`;
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                  _id: string;
                  animated?: boolean;
                  creator_id: string;
                  name: string;
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                  parent: { id: string; type: "Server" }
                  | { type: "Detached" };
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                  name: string;
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              parts: 3;
              path: "-/custom/emoji/{id}";
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                  _id: string;
                  animated?: boolean;
                  creator_id: string;
                  name: string;
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              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/account/delete";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "put";
                  | { password: string }
                  | { recovery_code: string }
                  | { totp_code: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/mfa/ticket";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  account_id: string;
                  authorised: boolean;
                  last_totp_code?: null | string;
                  token: string;
                  validated: boolean;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "put";
                  | { password: string }
                  | { recovery_code: string }
                  | { totp_code: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/mfa/totp";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
      ) & { parts: Count<Path, "/">; path: Path }


    • path: Path


    • params: Route["params"]

      Body or Query Parameters

    • Optionalconfig: AxiosRequestConfig<any>

      Axios configuration

    Returns Promise<Route["response"]>

    Typed Response Data

  • Send HTTP PUT request.

    Type Parameters

    • Path extends
          | `/users/${string}/friend`
          | "-/users/{target}/friend"
          | `/users/${string}/block`
          | "-/users/{target}/block"
          | `/channels/${string}/ack/${string}`
          | "-/channels/{target}/ack/{message}"
          | `/channels/${string}/recipients/${string}`
          | "-/channels/{group_id}/recipients/{member_id}"
          | `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}/reactions/${string}`
          | "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}/reactions/{emoji}"
          | `/servers/${string}/ack`
          | "-/servers/{target}/ack"
    • Route extends (
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/users/${string}/friend`;
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  avatar?: | null
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      content_type: string;
                      deleted?: null
                      | boolean;
                      filename: string;
                      message_id?: null | string;
                          | { type: "File" }
                          | { type: "Text" }
                          | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                          | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                          | { type: "Audio" };
                      object_id?: null | string;
                      reported?: null | boolean;
                      server_id?: null | string;
                      size: number;
                      tag: string;
                      user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/users/{target}/friend";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/users/${string}/block`;
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/users/{target}/block";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  badges?: number;
                  bot?: null
                  | { owner: string };
                  discriminator: string;
                  display_name?: null | string;
                  flags?: number;
                  online: boolean;
                  privileged?: boolean;
                  relations?: {
                      _id: string;
                          | "User"
                          | "None"
                          | "Friend"
                          | "Outgoing"
                          | "Incoming"
                          | "Blocked"
                          | "BlockedOther";
                  relationship: | "User"
                  | "None"
                  | "Friend"
                  | "Outgoing"
                  | "Incoming"
                  | "Blocked"
                  | "BlockedOther";
                  status?: | null
                  | {
                      presence?: null
                      | "Online"
                      | "Idle"
                      | "Focus"
                      | "Busy"
                      | "Invisible";
                      text?: null | string;
                  username: string;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: `/channels/${string}/ack/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/ack/{message}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: `/channels/${string}/recipients/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/channels/{group_id}/recipients/{member_id}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: { permissions: { allow: number; deny: number } };
              parts: 4;
              path: `/channels/${string}/permissions/${string}`;
                  | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      active: boolean;
                      channel_type: "DirectMessage";
                      last_message_id?: null | string;
                      recipients: string[];
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      channel_type: "Group";
                      description?: null
                      | string;
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: "File" }
                                  | { type: "Text" }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
                      name: string;
                      nsfw?: boolean;
                      owner: string;
                      permissions?: null | number;
                      recipients: string[];
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      channel_type: "TextChannel";
                      default_permissions?: null
                      | { a: number; d: number };
                      description?: null | string;
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: "File" }
                                  | { type: "Text" }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
                      name: string;
                      nsfw?: boolean;
                      role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
                      server: string;
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      channel_type: "VoiceChannel";
                      default_permissions?: null
                      | { a: number; d: number };
                      description?: null | string;
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: "File" }
                                  | { type: "Text" }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      name: string;
                      nsfw?: boolean;
                      role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
                      server: string;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: { permissions: { allow: number; deny: number } };
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/permissions/{role_id}";
                  | { _id: string; channel_type: "SavedMessages"; user: string }
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      active: boolean;
                      channel_type: "DirectMessage";
                      last_message_id?: null | string;
                      recipients: string[];
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      channel_type: "Group";
                      description?: null
                      | string;
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: "File" }
                                  | { type: "Text" }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
                      name: string;
                      nsfw?: boolean;
                      owner: string;
                      permissions?: null | number;
                      recipients: string[];
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      channel_type: "TextChannel";
                      default_permissions?: null
                      | { a: number; d: number };
                      description?: null | string;
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: "File" }
                                  | { type: "Text" }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      last_message_id?: null
                      | string;
                      name: string;
                      nsfw?: boolean;
                      role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
                      server: string;
                  | {
                      _id: string;
                      channel_type: "VoiceChannel";
                      default_permissions?: null
                      | { a: number; d: number };
                      description?: null | string;
                          | null
                          | {
                              _id: string;
                              content_type: string;
                              deleted?: null
                              | boolean;
                              filename: string;
                              message_id?: null | string;
                                  | { type: "File" }
                                  | { type: "Text" }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                                  | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                                  | { type: "Audio" };
                              object_id?: null | string;
                              reported?: null | boolean;
                              server_id?: null | string;
                              size: number;
                              tag: string;
                              user_id?: null | string;
                      name: string;
                      nsfw?: boolean;
                      role_permissions?: { [key: string]: { a: number; d: number } };
                      server: string;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: { permissions: number };
              parts: 4;
              path: `/channels/${string}/permissions/default`;
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  analytics?: boolean;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  categories?: null
                  | { channels: string[]; id: string; title: string }[];
                  channels: string[];
                  default_permissions: number;
                  description?: null | string;
                  discoverable?: boolean;
                  flags?: number;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  owner: string;
                  roles?: {
                      [key: string]: {
                          colour?: null
                          | string;
                          hoist?: boolean;
                          name: string;
                          permissions: { a: number; d: number };
                          rank?: number;
                  system_messages?: | null
                  | {
                      user_banned?: null
                      | string;
                      user_joined?: null | string;
                      user_kicked?: null | string;
                      user_left?: null | string;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: { permissions: number };
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/permissions/default";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  analytics?: boolean;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  categories?: null
                  | { channels: string[]; id: string; title: string }[];
                  channels: string[];
                  default_permissions: number;
                  description?: null | string;
                  discoverable?: boolean;
                  flags?: number;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  owner: string;
                  roles?: {
                      [key: string]: {
                          colour?: null
                          | string;
                          hoist?: boolean;
                          name: string;
                          permissions: { a: number; d: number };
                          rank?: number;
                  system_messages?: | null
                  | {
                      user_banned?: null
                      | string;
                      user_joined?: null | string;
                      user_kicked?: null | string;
                      user_left?: null | string;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 6;
              path: `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}/reactions/${string}`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 6;
              path: "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}/reactions/{emoji}";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: `/servers/${string}/ack`;
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: undefined;
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/servers/{target}/ack";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: { reason?: null | string };
              parts: 4;
              path: `/servers/${string}/bans/${string}`;
              response: {
                  _id: { server: string; user: string };
                  reason?: null | string;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: { reason?: null | string };
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/servers/{server}/bans/{target}";
              response: {
                  _id: { server: string; user: string };
                  reason?: null | string;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: { permissions: { allow: number; deny: number } };
              parts: 4;
              path: `/servers/${string}/permissions/${string}`;
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  analytics?: boolean;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
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                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  categories?: null
                  | { channels: string[]; id: string; title: string }[];
                  channels: string[];
                  default_permissions: number;
                  description?: null | string;
                  discoverable?: boolean;
                  flags?: number;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  owner: string;
                  roles?: {
                      [key: string]: {
                          colour?: null
                          | string;
                          hoist?: boolean;
                          name: string;
                          permissions: { a: number; d: number };
                          rank?: number;
                  system_messages?: | null
                  | {
                      user_banned?: null
                      | string;
                      user_joined?: null | string;
                      user_kicked?: null | string;
                      user_left?: null | string;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: { permissions: { allow: number; deny: number } };
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/servers/{target}/permissions/{role_id}";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  analytics?: boolean;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  categories?: null
                  | { channels: string[]; id: string; title: string }[];
                  channels: string[];
                  default_permissions: number;
                  description?: null | string;
                  discoverable?: boolean;
                  flags?: number;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  owner: string;
                  roles?: {
                      [key: string]: {
                          colour?: null
                          | string;
                          hoist?: boolean;
                          name: string;
                          permissions: { a: number; d: number };
                          rank?: number;
                  system_messages?: | null
                  | {
                      user_banned?: null
                      | string;
                      user_joined?: null | string;
                      user_kicked?: null | string;
                      user_left?: null | string;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: { permissions: number };
              parts: 4;
              path: `/servers/${string}/permissions/default`;
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  analytics?: boolean;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  categories?: null
                  | { channels: string[]; id: string; title: string }[];
                  channels: string[];
                  default_permissions: number;
                  description?: null | string;
                  discoverable?: boolean;
                  flags?: number;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  owner: string;
                  roles?: {
                      [key: string]: {
                          colour?: null
                          | string;
                          hoist?: boolean;
                          name: string;
                          permissions: { a: number; d: number };
                          rank?: number;
                  system_messages?: | null
                  | {
                      user_banned?: null
                      | string;
                      user_joined?: null | string;
                      user_kicked?: null | string;
                      user_left?: null | string;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: { permissions: number };
              parts: 4;
              path: "-/servers/{target}/permissions/default";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  analytics?: boolean;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  categories?: null
                  | { channels: string[]; id: string; title: string }[];
                  channels: string[];
                  default_permissions: number;
                  description?: null | string;
                  discoverable?: boolean;
                  flags?: number;
                      | null
                      | {
                          _id: string;
                          content_type: string;
                          deleted?: null
                          | boolean;
                          filename: string;
                          message_id?: null | string;
                              | { type: "File" }
                              | { type: "Text" }
                              | { height: number; type: "Image"; width: number }
                              | { height: number; type: "Video"; width: number }
                              | { type: "Audio" };
                          object_id?: null | string;
                          reported?: null | boolean;
                          server_id?: null | string;
                          size: number;
                          tag: string;
                          user_id?: null | string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  owner: string;
                  roles?: {
                      [key: string]: {
                          colour?: null
                          | string;
                          hoist?: boolean;
                          name: string;
                          permissions: { a: number; d: number };
                          rank?: number;
                  system_messages?: | null
                  | {
                      user_banned?: null
                      | string;
                      user_joined?: null | string;
                      user_kicked?: null | string;
                      user_left?: null | string;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: {
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  parent: { id: string; type: "Server" } | { type: "Detached" };
              parts: 3;
              path: `/custom/emoji/${string}`;
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  animated?: boolean;
                  creator_id: string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  parent: { id: string; type: "Server" }
                  | { type: "Detached" };
          } & { method: "put" }
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: {
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  parent: { id: string; type: "Server" } | { type: "Detached" };
              parts: 3;
              path: "-/custom/emoji/{id}";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  animated?: boolean;
                  creator_id: string;
                  name: string;
                  nsfw?: boolean;
                  parent: { id: string; type: "Server" }
                  | { type: "Detached" };
          } & { method: "put" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "put";
              params: { token: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/account/delete";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "put";
                  | { password: string }
                  | { recovery_code: string }
                  | { totp_code: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/mfa/ticket";
              response: {
                  _id: string;
                  account_id: string;
                  authorised: boolean;
                  last_totp_code?: null | string;
                  token: string;
                  validated: boolean;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | {
              method: "put";
                  | { password: string }
                  | { recovery_code: string }
                  | { totp_code: string };
              parts: 3;
              path: "/auth/mfa/totp";
              response: undefined;
          } & { method: "put" }
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
          | never
      ) & { parts: Count<Path, "/">; path: Path }


    Returns Promise<Route["response"]>

    Typed Response Data

  • Send any arbitrary request.

    Type Parameters

    • Method extends "get" | "patch" | "put" | "delete" | "post"
    • Routes extends PickRoutes<Method>
    • Path extends
          | "/safety/report"
          | "/auth/account/create"
          | "/auth/account/reverify"
          | "/auth/account/delete"
          | "/auth/account/change/password"
          | "/auth/account/change/email"
          | "/auth/account/reset_password"
          | "/auth/mfa/ticket"
          | "/auth/mfa/totp"
          | "/onboard/complete"
          | "/push/subscribe"
          | "/sync/settings/fetch"
          | "/sync/settings/set"
          | "/"
          | `/users/${string}`
          | "-/users/{target}"
          | `/users/${string}/flags`
          | "-/users/{target}/flags"
          | `/users/${string}/default_avatar`
          | "-/users/{target}/default_avatar"
          | `/users/${string}/profile`
          | "-/users/{target}/profile"
          | `/users/${string}/dm`
          | "-/users/{target}/dm"
          | `/users/${string}/mutual`
          | "-/users/{target}/mutual"
          | `/bots/${string}/invite`
          | "-/bots/{target}/invite"
          | `/bots/${string}`
          | "-/bots/{bot}"
          | `/channels/${string}`
          | "-/channels/{target}"
          | `/channels/${string}/members`
          | "-/channels/{target}/members"
          | `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}`
          | "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}"
          | `/channels/${string}/webhooks`
          | "-/channels/{channel_id}/webhooks"
          | `/servers/${string}/bans`
          | "-/servers/{target}/bans"
          | `/servers/${string}/invites`
          | "-/servers/{target}/invites"
          | `/servers/${string}/roles/${string}`
          | "-/servers/{target}/roles/{role_id}"
          | `/servers/${string}/emojis`
          | "-/servers/{target}/emojis"
          | `/invites/${string}`
          | "-/invites/{target}"
          | `/custom/emoji/${string}`
          | "-/custom/emoji/{emoji_id}"
          | "/auth/account/"
          | "/auth/mfa/"
          | "/auth/mfa/methods"
          | "/onboard/hello"
          | "/sync/unreads"
          | `/users/${string}/friend`
          | "-/users/{target}/friend"
          | `/users/${string}/block`
          | "-/users/{target}/block"
          | "-/bots/{target}"
          | `/channels/${string}/ack/${string}`
          | "-/channels/{target}/ack/{message}"
          | `/channels/${string}/invites`
          | "-/channels/{target}/invites"
          | `/channels/${string}/messages`
          | "-/channels/{target}/messages"
          | `/channels/${string}/search`
          | "-/channels/{target}/search"
          | `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}/pin`
          | "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}/pin"
          | `/channels/${string}/messages/bulk`
          | "-/channels/{target}/messages/bulk"
          | `/channels/${string}/recipients/${string}`
          | "-/channels/{group_id}/recipients/{member_id}"
          | "-/channels/{target}/recipients/{member}"
          | `/channels/${string}/join_call`
          | "-/channels/{target}/join_call"
          | `/channels/${string}/permissions/${string}`
          | "-/channels/{target}/permissions/{role_id}"
          | `/channels/${string}/permissions/default`
          | "-/channels/{target}/permissions/default"
          | `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}/reactions/${string}`
          | "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}/reactions/{emoji}"
          | `/channels/${string}/messages/${string}/reactions`
          | "-/channels/{target}/messages/{msg}/reactions"
          | "-/channels/{target}/webhooks"
          | `/servers/${string}`
          | "-/servers/{target}"
          | `/servers/${string}/ack`
          | "-/servers/{target}/ack"
          | `/servers/${string}/channels`
          | "-/servers/{server}/channels"
          | `/servers/${string}/members`
          | "-/servers/{target}/members"
          | `/servers/${string}/members/${string}`
          | "-/servers/{target}/members/{member}"
          | "-/servers/{server}/members/{member}"
          | `/servers/${string}/members_experimental_query`
          | "-/servers/{target}/members_experimental_query"
          | `/servers/${string}/bans/${string}`
          | "-/servers/{server}/bans/{target}"
          | `/servers/${string}/roles`
          | "-/servers/{target}/roles"
          | `/servers/${string}/permissions/${string}`
          | "-/servers/{target}/permissions/{role_id}"
          | `/servers/${string}/permissions/default`
          | "-/servers/{target}/permissions/default"
          | "-/custom/emoji/{id}"
          | "/auth/account/disable"
          | `/auth/account/verify/${string}`
          | "-/auth/account/verify/{code}"
          | `/auth/session/${string}`
          | "-/auth/session/{id}"
          | "/auth/mfa/recovery"
          | "/push/unsubscribe"
    • Route extends PickRoutes<Method> & { parts: Count<Path, "/">; path: Path }


    • method: Method

      HTTP Method

    • path: Path


    • params: Route["params"]

      Body or Query Parameters

    • Optionalconfig: AxiosRequestConfig<any>

      Axios configuration

    Returns Promise<Route["response"]>

    Typed Response Data