Construct Channel
Channel Id
Whether this object exists
Whether the conversation is active
URL to the animated channel icon
Time when this server was created
Default permissions for this server channel
Channel description
Display name
Channel icon
URL to the channel icon
Last message sent in this channel
Time when the last message was sent
ID of the last message sent in this channel
Whether this channel is marked as mature
Get mentions in this channel for user.
Channel name
Owner of the group
Owner ID
Absolute pathname to this channel in the client
Permission the currently authenticated user has against this channel
Permissions allowed for users in this group
Whether this channel may be hidden to some users
Find recipient of this DM
User ids of recipients of the group
Recipients of the group
Role permissions for this server channel
Server this channel is in
Server ID
Channel type
Users currently trying in channel
User ids of people currently typing in channel
Get whether this channel is unread.
Time when the channel was last updated (either created or a message was sent)
URL to this channel
User this channel belongs to
User ID
Mark a channel as read
message: string | MessageLast read message or its ID
skipRateLimiter: booleanWhether to skip the internal rate limiter
skipRequest: booleanFor internal updates only
skipNextMarking: booleanFor internal usage only
Create an invite to the channel
Newly created invite code
Edit a channel
archived?: null | booleanOptional
description?: null | stringOptional
icon?: null | stringOptional
name?: null | stringOptional
nsfw?: null | booleanOptional
owner?: null | stringOptional
remove?: null | ("Description" | "Icon" | "DefaultPermissions")[]Fetch a message by its ID
ID of the target message
Fetch multiple messages from a channel
params: Omit<Message fetching route data
Fetch multiple messages from a channel including the users that sent them
params: Omit<Message fetching route data
Object including messages and users
Check whether we have a given permission in a channel
Permission Names
Whether we have this permission
Check whether we have at least one of the given permissions in a channel
Permission Names
Whether we have one of the permissions
Search for messages
Message searching route data
Search for messages including the users that sent them
Message searching route data
Object including messages and users
Send a message
Either the message as a string or message sending route data
attachments?: null | string[]Optional
content?: null | stringOptional
embeds?: Optional
flags?: null | numberFormat: uint32
Bitfield of message flags
interactions?: null | { reactions?: null | string[]; restrict_reactions?: boolean }Optional
masquerade?: null | { avatar?: null | string; colour?: null | string; name?: null | string }Optional
nonce?: null | stringOptional
replies?: null | { id: string; mention: boolean }[]Sent message
Set role permissions
Role Id, set to 'default' to affect all users
Permission value
Format: uint64
Format: uint64
Write to string as a channel mention
Formatted String
Channel Class